2023-12-12 11:50:25
This is indeed what concludes the study, published in Scientific Reports, which was carried out at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary. For the experiment, cats and dogs were placed in an empty room. In each corner of the room, a container with food was placed. Some were empty, others full. A researcher then took a seat in the center of the room and pointed to the filled container. Result ? The dogs followed the researcher’s instructions much more often than the cats.
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For the researchers, however, it was possible that the stress felt by the cats was one of the causes. The latter do not like change and therefore might find themselves disturbed by not being in their environment. The experiment was therefore repeated on certain cats in their familiar environment, at home. Here too, the results remained the same.
You might say that dogs understand us better than cats. Researchers suspect that the social and solitary nature of dogs and cats is significant here. The method – pointing is a visual cue – may also be less suitable for cats who prefer to communicate via smell and other bodily signals. Additionally, cats are also less motivated by “food rewards” than dogs because of the bond between them. They’re also just lazier. As the experiment progressed, the cat panel’s enthusiasm waned, but the dogs, on the other hand, might never get enough.
Owning a cat or dog has almost become a luxury: increases on products sometimes go up to 50%!
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