2023-12-11 11:48:32
A priori it is obviously not possible to guess what is hidden behind the concept of the worry tree, literally. However, developed by health experts, this method might well allow the most stressed to find a little serenity. It’s worth a try, right?
what is the “worry tree” ?
Developed by psychologist Gillian Butler and psychiatrist Tony Hope in “Managing Your Mind”1, the method of worry tree has experienced renewed interest since the media ‘Well+Good’ – a site specializing in well-being – took (re)interest in it. Are you wondering how a tree can help you regain control when anxiety overwhelms you? We’ll explain it to you. The principle of the method worry tree works thanks to the schematization of a decision tree. The idea is that a questioning offers several answers which, themselves, lead to other questions, other conclusions each representing the birth of a new branch and, in the end forming a tree with numerous ramifications .
To trace its worry tree, we start by tracing the trunk which corresponds to the central concern. Then we must ask ourselves: is this concern real or hypothetical?
- The worry is real, if we are able to do something to find a solution to this situation. We have to ask ourselves what we should put in place, how to act, to resolve the situation. Either we act now or we plan for action. It is this reflection which gives material to the next branch of the tree of concerns.
- The worry is hypothetical if nothing can be done to resolve the situation. “If the worry is hypothetical, the worry tree leads you to release it intentionally and consciously”, explains Dr Vinall to the ‘Well+Good’ website. Realizing that there is nothing you can do to dispel it will help free you from worry.
By allowing one’s concerns to be put down on paper, the worry tree will help you make decisions more calmly.
The method of worry tree Who is it for ?
While it is completely normal to experience periods of intense stress, the method of worry tree is intended more for people whose anxiety attacks tend to be obsessive. For the most stressed people, this can even have repercussions on physical health (nausea, digestive disorders, palpitations, sleep, etc.)… Hence the need to look for ways to reconnect with calm, appeasement and serenity.
Thanks to the physical materialization of worries, the method of worry tree will allow people overwhelmed by anxiety to take a step back from their problems. A way to put things into perspective, to distance ourselves and free ourselves a little from the grip of our anxieties…
1. “Managing Your Mind”, Gillian Butler et Tony Hope
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