2023-12-11 13:09:00
At the end of the pleading, Me Donatangelo, the lawyer for the Wama Beef company and two of its accused managers, made it clear that if there was hesitation and errors in the management of the Ciney slaughterhouse, those -these are now a thing of the past.
At the head of the company, there was a handover between generations and new investments were made to ensure absolute compliance, the defense counsel emphasized.
At the starting point of this criminal case, we find a series of controls carried out by Afsca (federal agency for food safety) in the installations of the Cinacian slaughterhouse between 2018 and 2021.
The inspectors had highlighted a series of breaches of hygiene rules but also concerns with the traceability of livestock and meat which entered and left the buildings managed by the family company Wama Beef.
On the defense side, even if we recognized in broad terms all the offenses retained, we also made it clear that among the controllers, some had also had the art of looking for the little beast.
This Monday morning, President Chantal Bourgeois delivered her judgment. All the charges have been established and, even if the financial sanctions are less than those required by the prosecution, they are still quite heavy.
The Wama Beef company thus received a fine of €40,000 but a suspended sentence was granted for half of this amount. The two executives prosecuted were also fined €20,000 with, once more, half being suspended.
This is a financial penalty as heavy as a solid piece of beef but much less digestible than this good piece of meat.
#steep #fines #Ciney #slaughterhouse