Central Bank of Argentina Summons Lomas Cambio SAS: Financial Litigation Details

2023-12-12 03:06:03


The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic summons and summons Lomas Cambio SAS -former Exchange Agency (CUIT N° 30-71654285-4) and Mr. Hernán Ariel LO SASSO (DNI N° 35,498,720), so that within the term of 10 (ten) banking business days to appear at the Financial Litigation Affairs Management located at Reconquista 250, 6th floor, office 8602, Capital Federal, to take a look at the Financial Summary No. 1616, File EX-2023-00155525- -GDEBCRAGSENF #BCRA, titled “Lomas Cambio SAS – former Exchange Agency” that is instructed to comply with the provisions of articles 5 of Law No. 18,924 (in accordance with article 131 of Law 27,444) -complementary and amending- and 41° of the Financial Entities Law No. 21,526 – with the modifications of Laws No. 24,144, 24,485, 24,627 and 25,780, where applicable -, in which through the GDE system, dated 10/31/2023, GDE Resolution – RESOL-2023-392-E-GDEBCRA-SEFYC#BCRA was issued. The hearing will be granted upon request for an appointment by email addressed to the email address Gestión.financiera@bcra.gob.ar indicating the name, surname and ID of the person who will appear and the character in which they will do so; With respect to the summary entity, you must prove the status of legal representative and report the real address. During the ten-day period granted, they may present defenses and offer evidence that supports the rights of the represented entity and the accused person. The defense and any other presentation made must be directed to the aforementioned Management, and entered on paper by the General Entry Desk of this Central Bank from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All this under a warning in case of non-appearance, to continue the processing with the records of the case until the final resolution is issued. Publish for 3 (three) days in the Official Gazette.

Paola Cristina Miranda, Sr. Analyst, Financial Litigation Affairs Management – Roberto Luis Alberici, Head, Financial Litigation Affairs Management.

e. 07/12/2023 N° 100088/23 v. 12/12/2023




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