2023-12-12 02:24:00
- Cancer diseases are among the most common causes of death in Germany
- New insights from the Cancer prevention: Older people in particular can take three measures Cancer risk clearly reduce
- Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D and Strength training: In combination protect them significantly once morest cancer
Cancer diseases are the second most common Cause of death in Germany. Almost one in four dies from it these days. Statistics also show that there will be even more deaths from cancer in the future. The reason: General life expectancy is increasing. Because people in Germany are getting older, the number of cancer cases is also increasing, according to the Robert Koch Institute.
New study: Combination of vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and exercise effectively protects once morest cancer
Even if the Cancer therapy has made significant progress in recent decades Cancer prevention therefore continue to be of great importance. Effective Cancer prevention measures will continue to be researched and searched for in the future.
A current study Zürichwhich also includes researchers from the Harvard Medical School were involved, brought new insights into this field. The scientists found that a combination of Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids and Strength training the Massively reduce the risk of cancer in older people can.
The study was published in the journal Frontiers in Aging. The scientists examined this for the first time combined benefits of three very simple cancer prevention measures. Specifically, it was regarding the daily intake of high doses of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids as well as simple strength training that anyone can do at home.
Cancer prevention study: This is how the researchers from Zurich proceeded
A total of 2,157 people from several European countries. Over a period of three years The individual and combined benefits of the health measures were determined.
For this purpose, the people were randomly divided into eight groups. The first group received 2,000 IU (international units) of vitamin D per day – more than 200 percent of the amount currently recommended for older adults per day. This group also took one gram daily Omega-3 fatty acids and did simple strength training three times a week.
The second group took omega-3 fatty acids like group one Vitamin D to himself, but gave up sport. Group three was prescribed vitamin D and strength training, group four used omega-3 fatty acids and strength training. For group 5 there was only vitamin D. The sixth group only received omega-3 fatty acids and the seventh only took Strength training. Group eight received a placebo.
Study result: Cancer risk falls by 61 percent for older people
The researchers then evaluated the Effects of the measures on the risk of invasive cancer out of. The result: The three measures showed a cumulative benefit on the risk of invasive cancer. It is true that each preventative measure had little benefit when considered on its own. However, when they were combined with each other, this resulted in a statistically significant benefit. According to the researchers, this has been reduced Cancer risk increased by 61 percent among participants who used all three measures.
“Future studies should examine the benefits of combined treatments in the Cancer prevention “and also extended to longer follow-up periods than the three years examined in this study,” said study author Dr. Heiko Bischoff-Ferrari from the University Hospital of Zurich in a press release on the study.
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