The San Francisco Cres opened registration for the university: what courses they dictate

2023-12-11 19:12:40

The Villa María National University opened registration for admission to the courses it teaches in the next school year. In this case it is the educational offer of full dictation proposals. This also applies to those offered by the San Francisco headquarters of the San Francisco Regional Higher Education Center (Cres).

Specifically, students from San Francisco and the region may choose to enroll at this location for the Bachelor’s Degree in Administration and Industrial Design, the latter celebrating 10 years of being taught at Cres.

Those who have completed their secondary or tertiary level studies, and participants in the Entry Program for People over 25 years of age without a secondary level degree, will be able to manage their process.

The process consists of three stages that are completing pre-registration online, delivery of documentation during the enabled dates and registration for modules of the Entry Course through the Guaraní System. Those interested must enter the following registration link.

It should be noted that the introductory program will be taught between the months of February and March 2024.

If you have any questions or information, you can contact the San Francisco headquarters of the UNVM at Avenida Trigueros 151 (IPEM 96 Professor Pascual Bailón Sosa). The opening hours are from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. if in person or by email to [email protected].

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