Digital Economy Blog – Can AI replace our jobs?

2023-12-11 14:42:35

The advent of artificial intelligence is expected to cause a revolution in the professional field, thus making many professions obsolete.

This is the story of a typewriter controlled by artificial intelligence, which might ultimately take over many tasks formerly accomplished by humans. Indeed, current reality goes beyond the limits of fiction. In recent months, the emergence of tools exploiting artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, has gradually raised the major question of the replacement of humans by machines. Some software has recently demonstrated its ability to analyze and generate text, images, as well as data.

Certain tasks carried out by an employee cannot be automated:

Despite technological advances, many tasks performed by workers, sometimes unconsciously, remain beyond the reach of machines. A notable example is that of IBM and its Harvey software, which in 2016 predicted the replacement of radiologists by automation. However, in 2023, this profession persists, as the software only covers a portion of the 30 distinct tasks assigned to this medical profession, according to US government data.

300 million jobs at risk?

According to the study reported by France Info, on average, “80% of professions will see automation of at least 10% of their tasks thanks to tools such as ChatGPT”. Professions related to programming and writing would be the most impacted. Although the rise of AI appears to primarily affect high-income jobs, the question remains: how many jobs might be eliminated by this technological advancement?

The creator of ChatGPT exposes professions in danger.

Ironically, the findings of this research indicate that high-wage occupations are more vulnerable than lower-wage ones. In general, professions that do not require a degree offer greater job security. On the other hand, future prospects seem to compromise all roles involving programming or writing. Sectors such as finance, education, journalism, engineering and graphic design are particularly exposed.

In contrast, professions relying on critical thinking or scientific thinking do not face a threat of automation… at least, for the moment.

More productive employees…

There are several ways to replace employees, including simply placing AI in the role previously held by a human. Another approach is to use the productivity gains offered by technology to reduce the number of employees needed in a business.

To illustrate the impact of artificial intelligence on productivity, an MIT team asked two groups, one benefiting from ChatGPT, to write press releases and short reports. The AI-assisted team completed their task on average 37% faster than their unassisted counterpart.

Falling salaries?

If the replacement of the employee is not imminent, studies suggest another potentially harmful consequence: a reduction in wages. Due to the ability of artificial intelligence to quickly generate basic content, certain skills risk losing their value, leading to a mechanical reduction in the remuneration granted by employers.

The evolution of artificial intelligence is raising concerns regarding its impact on employment, affecting various sectors regardless of salary level. Nevertheless, an informed approach remains crucial to maximize the benefits of this transformation while mitigating possible disruptions to the labor market.

Sources :

AI: will your job be replaced by ChatGPT?

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