Jade and Joy Hallyday: Growing Up Daughters of a Legend – A Personal Conversation

2023-12-10 18:45:00

Johnny was “nobody’s son”. They are Johnny’s daughters. And it’s no small thing to be the child of the most popular French singer of all time. David Hallyday and Laura Smet know something regarding this. It’s the turn of Jade, 19, and Joy, 15, to experience it. Six years ago, during the rocker’s funeral, people suffered for his two little daughters in tears at the Madeleine. We were crying for an idol, they were crying for their dad. The following two years, they found themselves at the heart of the family and legal battle over his inheritance. We have cited them throughout hearings, throughout articles, but we have never heard them.

They decided to speak out. The cyberharassment to which they are subject on social networks – and which pushed Laeticia Hallyday to file a complaint once morest Cyril Hanouna for public insults uttered during his show once morest Joy – has probably changed the situation. They also speak in the hope of being better understood. Courses oblige, Jade the student and Joy the high school student did not go to Saint-Barth this year for the anniversary vigil, on December 5, and they will only come to Paris for the inauguration of the exhibition dedicated to their father, on December 21.

They therefore received us at the end of November at their home, in Pacific Palisades, the upscale neighborhood of Los Angeles where their parents had settled seventeen years ago. The interview took place on the ground floor of their new house, in the office where some of their father’s favorite books and objects were gathered: a painting representing Elvis Presley, a motorcycle helmet in American colors, an Indian chief’s headdress… They sat on a sofa under a painting with a neon sign in English “Together, we will get through the trials.” We always get there.” Side by side, very accomplices, looking at each other, laughing, often finishing each other’s sentences. And speaking with an open heart.

Jade and Joy Hallyday, here on Santa Monica beach in Los Angeles, on November 17, feel “American.” Bestimage/Bruno Aveillan

Why speak out publicly?

JOY. Because we want to show who we really are…

JADE. And what we think. Because we also represent our family a little. And our father. It’s a source of pride.

His final song, “Un cri”, has just been released. Did you listen to it?

JOY. Mom introduced us to it a month ago. I adore ! It’s totally him, his style both hyper rock and modern.

JADE. We listen to it all the time. And it’s emotional for us to hear a new song with his voice. She is incredible. Plus, our old music teacher, Mr. Jacob, wrote the lyrics. It’s beautiful.

Do you often listen to your father?

JOY. Every day. There isn’t a day when we don’t listen to him. On our phone, we each have a playlist from our father.

JADE. In my car, when I drive, we put it on full blast. Even if he wasn’t our father, we would love his songs, his style. And then, it feels good to hear his voice, it’s as if he was still there, if he was talking to us… It soothes me, it soothes my heart.

What are your favorite songs?

JOY. “Something from Tennessee” and “Young Idol.”

JADE. “Your tender years” and “I promise you”.

You had a close relationship…

JADE. It’s true, we were never separated. He took us on tour with him, stayed with us at home, was always there for us and we for him.

JOY. He wanted us to be with him all the time. When we came into his life, he really took his role as father to heart. Before, he was more of a solo singer.

What kind of father was he?

JADE. Papa hen, very affectionate, very protective, he always supported us in our choices.

JOY. He was very cool, not strict at all. (They laugh.) It was mom who scolded us and dad who eased the tension. When I got a bad grade, he told him it didn’t matter.

JADE. He told us: “Always be yourself, have confidence in yourself, make your dreams come true. »

“Before he went on stage, he liked us to be together in his dressing room, with mom. There weren’t many people there. We were trying to de-stress him. »


Did he warn you that it would be difficult to live up to his name?

JADE. Not too much, no. When we attended his concerts or when we arrived at the airport in Paris, we might clearly see the madness, the fervor. But we were young, we didn’t understand everything, we didn’t yet have social networks. And our parents protected us from that.

What are your best memories with him?

JOY. The dinners we had with Dad. We had a ritual, they took us to Los Angeles every week. In turn. Father and daughters, mother and daughters. Dad would take us to eat at restaurants, often Italian and meaty, burgers, hot dogs, all the clichés of American food. He loved big burgers!

JADE. He made me love horror films and share his passion. We both had sessions in his home theater room. Joy and mom were too scared. Old films, like “The Shining”, “It”…

JOY. And cowboy movies, westerns.

Jade and Joy are here with their father Johnny Hallyday in February 2012 in Los Angeles. Bestimage/Fameflynet

What was he like on tour?

JOY. Before he went on stage, he liked us to be together in his dressing room, with mom. There weren’t many people there. We were trying to de-stress him. He didn’t show it too much but he had stage fright.

JADE. Afterwards, it was impressive to see him on stage. We will never forget these moments.

The last tour with the Vieilles Canailles?

JOY. We didn’t see Jacques Dutronc and Eddy Mitchell too much. We stayed with our father.

JADE. He was sick, tired. I was surprised to see him so determined on stage, he wanted to see his tour through to the end. We were very proud of him, very admiring.

During the last date, in Carcassonne, he brought you on stage…

JADE. It was impressive. I went up once, when I was very little, but there… seeing the whole audience, their eyes fixed on you, I said to myself: “But how does he do it? »

JOY. And attend his last concert. We obviously didn’t know it, but when we think regarding it…

He probably brought you up because he knew it would be his last concert…

JADE AND JOY. Ah, do you think so? We hadn’t thought regarding it…

At the Madeleine, on the day of Johnny Hallyday’s funeral on December 9, 2017, with their mother, Jade and Joy are “shocked” by the world present. AFP/Ludovic Marin

His funeral attracted 1 million people to the Champs-Élysées…

JADE. We didn’t expect something this big. There were a lot of people, we were shocked.

JOY. We were really bad, I didn’t really realize what was going on around us.

JADE. It’s traumatic to lose your father, it still breaks my heart. Something is gone, we can’t cure it.

VIDEO. The Johnny Hallyday exhibition in Brussels, an impression of “being in the heart of your life”

What do you think of the exhibition dedicated to him?

JOY. Everything is really well done, we are super proud of our mother, who led this project. Dad would be very, very proud of this exhibition and of what mom does for him.

JADE. It’s very touching to see his career, his objects which all have meaning, to discover his stage outfits, his teenage bedroom. I had never seen all that.

Like his office in Marnes-la-Coquette (Hauts-de-Seine), completely reconstituted…

JADE. It’s all the more touching because it’s exactly the same. But I can’t stand in front of this room and look at it. In Marnes, I cannot return to the real office, where he left.

JOY. I’m alright.

Is the house sold?

JADE AND JOY. No. We hope that it will be sold because that will resolve a lot of things but, at the same time, we have so many memories… Dad’s last memories are there. We grew up there too, spent so much time. We are super attached to it.

Your father’s artistic heritage, moral rights, will return to you. Are you thinking regarding it?

JOY. Not yet.

JADE. We see our mother doing the best she can. It’s hard, it’s work.

David Hallyday releases an autobiography in which he writes that you are his full sisters and that his door is always open to you. Do you have any contact with him and Laura?

JOY. None for six years. We last saw them in Saint-Barth for Dad’s funeral.

And you regret it?

JADE. It’s not our fault. They made promises that they did not keep.

JOY. They are supposed to be our half-brother and sister, to have this role of big brother and big sister. After the death of our father, we might have had this bond, even stronger, to get closer, to be there for each other, we would have liked them to guide us.

JADE. The only sign is taking us to court with mom, saying horrible things regarding her, regarding us. It’s unbearable to hear bad things regarding our family.

JOY. As if they had ruined our family… I took it very badly, like a betrayal. We move forward but we don’t forget. I will never forgive him.

Your father moved to Los Angeles so that you might grow up more peacefully. What is your life like here?

JADE. Nobody knows who we are. Whereas in Paris, we take photos of ourselves in the street. “Look, she’s Johnny Hallyday’s daughter. » It makes you a little uncomfortable. Once, I was with my friend and a girl approaches, doesn’t say “hello” to me but she says: “You’re more beautiful in real life.” » It’s nice, but it’s surprising.

JOY. In Paris, we are always observed, for our safety.

How do you see the future?

JADE. I started studying fashion at Otis College, an art and design school. I would love to be a stylist and fashion designer, and later create my own brand. My school lasts four years but, following two years, I would like to travel and see other styles. I love Saint Laurent and Vivienne Westwood. I have a sewing machine, I make tops, shorts, skirts, I made my end of year dress. I thrive like that.

JOY. I’m still in my 2nd year in high school. In two and a half years, I will go to university. I would like to work in music or cinema. I always loved doing the show at home, I played a bit of my dad’s guitar, which I keep in my bedroom. I do theater, I hope to start castings soon.

You live as a threesome with your mother…

JADE. She is very present, very, very strong. Our mother is our inspiration.

JOY. What she’s doing for our dad is awesome. She is always there for us, we talk regarding everything, without judgment. It soothes us directly, makes us smile if we don’t feel well.

“The history of our family and the love of the French for our father mean that we will always have a strong link with France. »

Jade and Joy

Where will you make your life?

JADE AND JOY. In the USA. We have lived our whole lives here. We feel American, our friends are American. But the history of our family and the love of the French for our father mean that we will always have a strong link with France.

And is Vietnam important?

JADE. Of course. I went there without Joy and we returned together in 2018 and 2019, just before Covid, to see mom’s association (La Bonne Étoile, created in 2012 to help young Vietnamese). We want to continue our work. These are our origins. We were at the orphanage and we were lucky enough to be adopted, to find a generous family. It’s important to give back this opportunity.

JOY. For me, in 2018, it was the first time. I loved the culture, the food… It was good to reconnect with our roots.

Who are your friends in Los Angeles?

JADE. Americans and French. We are very good friends with Léon Bruel (Patrick Bruel’s son)… He is very funny, he set the mood in the class.

JOY. We did theater together last year. He threw himself into music and theater, he took lessons.

You are victims of cyberbullying. How do you experience it?

JADE. Even if we have learned to ignore it, it’s still hurtful to be judged constantly, to know that people think that of us. There is probably jealousy. And the family stories didn’t help. When Dad was there, there was already hatred, of course, but it was less strong.

JOY. We live with it but it comes up every day, judgments on the way we dress, on our body, our personalities, racist attacks… It can go as far as death threats!

Have you considered leaving social media?

JADE. No, especially since I also use them for my future career as a stylist.

JOY. And we don’t want to agree with hateful people.

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