Preventing Exercise Injuries: Tips and Techniques for Safe and Effective Workouts

2023-12-10 13:34:11

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – It is a frustrating irony that exercise, which is so important for good health and longevity, also has the potential to cause harm.

About 3.6 million people were treated in emergency departments in 2022 for various injuries related to sports and recreational equipment, according to the National Safety Council.

Injuries caused by exercise and exercise equipment topped the list, accounting for 445,642 of emergency department visits.

Whether you start exercising or return to exercising, many injuries can be prevented with a little awareness and caution, according to experts.

“One of the biggest mistakes I see is doing too much, too soon,” said Dr. Alex McDonald, a family and sports medicine physician and assistant professor of clinical sciences at Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson College of Medicine in California.

MacDonald added that this over-exercise often occurs when someone decides to start a new exercise regimen. “They overestimate what they can do, and then they get injured, or they stop,” he explained.

Lisa Herrington, a certified personal trainer in California and co-founder of Fit House Davis, said exercise should be viewed as a long game.

Appropriate structure

Having proper form when exercising is also crucial, whether you are using gym equipment, or participating in activities such as running or cycling.

“Maintaining good physique always trumps speed, weight or strength,” MacDonald emphasized.

He continued: “Otherwise, you will not get the full benefit of the exercise, and it will likely lead to strain on muscles and other ligaments that you are not supposed to use.”

A common example of poor structure is leaning on the edges of treadmills.

“People often lean on ledges when they’re tired, rather than slowing down,” Herrington said. “But they’re supposed to help you with your workout, rather than help you rest.”

Often times, Herrington has noticed people leaning too heavily toward the handlebars, which can lead to neck and shoulder pain.

To make sure you’re in the right shape, MacDonald and Herrington said it’s best to enlist the help of a professional, such as a personal trainer or physical therapist.

Furthermore, you carry your body differently as you age. So, even if your physique was excellent a few years ago, you may need some adjustments to your body today.

Cycling: Proper bike setup

Cycling may seem like a simple exercise, but it can also cause injuries. A common mistake is incorrectly adjusting the height of the cycling seat.

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If your bike seat is too low or high, you may develop knee or lower back pain, as the angle of your knee will change with each pedal stroke.

Your bike seat or saddle should be level with your hip bone when you’re standing next to it.

When you sit on the bike and lift your feet off the pedals, your toes should be the only thing touching the ground.

Don’t overdo your running

Runners are at risk for errors such as over-walking and over-training.

Overstriding, a common running mistake, occurs when you land with your feet too far in front of your hips or knees.

Doing so exposes you to the risk of developing stress and joint problems.

How frequently you step reduces the high impact of running, which may reduce injuries, according to a 2021 study.

Vary your movement

Overtraining involves performing movements over and over again, which can fatigue the body and make it vulnerable to injury.

Overtraining can also deteriorate your physical fitness. So, no matter your favorite activity, you should mix up your workouts routinely.

Build your routine gradually

No matter which regimen you choose, starting slow and light is the key to staying healthy.

MacDonald advised increasing the time or intensity of your workouts by only 10% per week, and not increasing the level of intensity and duration at the same time.

#Common #mistakes #exercising. #avoid

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