Preventing Frozen Shoulder in Diabetics: Tips for Controlling High Blood Sugar Levels

2023-12-10 11:00:00

01:00 PM Sunday 10 December 2023

Asmaa Morsi wrote:

Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world and occurs when the body cannot properly produce or use insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.

Higher than normal levels lead to a variety of health complications, including nerve damage, heart disease, and kidney disease.

Diabetes is called the “silent killer” because patients often do not show symptoms at first, until health complications begin to appear.

There is a sign that appears in the shoulder indicating high blood sugar levels, which is “frozen shoulder.”

British Dr. Richard Bernstein, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and one of the researchers in the field of diabetes, says: “Frozen shoulder occurs when the ligaments and tissues around the shoulder joint become inflamed, causing severe pain and stiffness in the shoulder, which makes simple daily activities difficult. Such as getting dressed or washing your hair, is difficult or impossible,” according to the British newspaper “Express”.

He continued: “People with diabetes are more likely to develop frozen shoulder.”

He added: “High blood sugar can lead to damage to collagen, which is a protein that supports connective tissues in the body. When collagen is damaged, it becomes sticky, which restricts movement and leads to shoulder stiffness.”

He explained: “High blood sugar can also affect the blood vessels in the shoulder, limiting blood flow to the area. This can also lead to pain and swelling.”

He added: “Therefore, controlling blood sugar is necessary to prevent shoulder stiffness in people with diabetes.”

– Methods of prevention:

The NHS said shoulder exercises and stretches can help keep the shoulder from further stiffening, and doctors may also prescribe anti-inflammatory painkillers or regular analgesics such as codeine.

The authority added that steroid injections to reduce inflammation can provide relief from symptoms, while surgery can be considered when other treatments do not help.

She emphasized that long-term treatment for diabetic shoulder syndrome includes a comprehensive lifestyle change to control high blood sugar levels, including:

Follow a healthy diet.

– Exercise regularly.

Limit foods that are high in carbohydrates.

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