Liège Water Crisis: Fuel Oil Smell Contamination Mystery

2023-12-09 19:07:05

In Liège, at least a hundred people can no longer drink the water supplied on the heights of the city. The reason: the water has had the smell of fuel oil or hydrocarbons since this Saturday followingnoon.

As a preventive measure, the municipality has asked local residents not to consume water and not to use it for washing. The Compagnie Intercommunale Liégeoise des Eaux (CILE), launched an operation to flush the main street pipe, which supplies 46 houses.

But where does this smell come from? This Saturday evening, the mystery persisted. The main hypothesis is towards an overpressure occurring in an oil heating system combined with a problem with a non-return valve. All of this might have allowed a quantity of hydrocarbon-containing water to be introduced into the system. Technicians were still working this Saturday evening to determine the origin of the problem.

Residents received cans of water early in the evening to last until the problem was resolved.

#water #smells #fuel #oil #residents #SainteWalburge #banned #tap #water



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