7 Key Tips to Eliminate Your Love Handles for Good!

2023-12-06 16:00:37

Love handles are fat deposits located just above the hips, and although they have a soft and fluffy appearance, they are also tenacious and very difficult to eliminate.

Additionally, when dieting, they are the last to leave, and when gaining weight, they are the first to appear.

So, yo-yo effects can be a real disaster for your “lifelines” and can even make them worse.

We invite you to discover 7 simple tips to eradicate this unsightly fatty growth.

#1: a thermal effect power supply

The thermal effect of food is defined as the energy your body needs to digest food, from their decomposition to their assimilation.

And some foods require more energy, so eat smart and enjoy!

Be aware that the digestion of fats and carbohydrates only eliminates 5 to 15% of the calories ingested, while the digestion of proteins allows you to burn between 20 and 35% of calories.

When you want to lose your love handles, it is therefore recommended to assimilate, every day, at least 1.7 g of protein per kilo of body weight.

In addition to burning lots of calories, protein keeps you feeling fuller for longer and helps build muscle.

Likewise, it is recommended to ban processed foods which require less effort from the body to eliminate them, and, instead, favor those which are simple, natural and offer a higher thermal effect.

So, opt for fresh vegetables rather than those canned or frozen and already cooked.

These are low in calories and also take up a lot of space in the stomach, hence helping you reduce your food intake more easily.

#2: a reduction in sugar consumption

stop sugar
Do you have a sweet tooth? Avoid bringing the wolf into the fold! No candy in the shopping cart, no risk of bulimia…

Besides the fact that sugar has low thermal combustion, it is also a caloric food stored mainly in the stomach, it is therefore largely responsible for love handles.

In parallel :

  • Sugar increases insulin levels, causing the body to store more fat, making it more difficult to eliminate;
  • Sugar is a addiction : the more you eat, the more your brain receives the message that it wants more;
  • Processed sugars desensitize the palate, so it no longer appreciates natural sugars such as those found in fruit as much.

So, avoid sodas and other sugary drinks, processed foods that contain added sugars, flavor enhancers, artificial ingredients and refined carbohydrates.

Instead, choose whole, natural sources of carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, buckwheat or barley.

Likewise, limit alcohol as much as possible.

High in added sugars and calories, its digestion forces your liver to work harder instead of burning fat. If you want something extra, opt for strong and clear alcohols that are without extra flavors or calories.

Read also: The 8 signals from your body that scream at you: Too much sugar!

#3: an increase in soluble fiber

Foods rich in soluble fiber are widely recommended, because they help feel full for long hours, thus avoiding snacks and unwanted trips to the fridge or cake cupboard.

The less hungry you are, the easier it will be for you to reduce your calorie intake, without feeling like you’re depriving yourself.

In this case, opt for Brussels sprouts, broccoli, beans, barley and oats. But this is not their only asset.

Indeed, according to scientific research, these foods rich in soluble fiber contribute to fat loss.

A study demonstrated that by eating just 10g of fiber per day for 5 years, participants lost an average of 3.7% of their visceral fatthat is to say that located around the stomach and responsible for lifebuoys.

#4: Healthy Fats for Good Hormonal Health

It is important to include healthy fats in the diet because they provide a satiety effect by slowing down the digestion process and also contribute to good hormonal health.

Indeed, a deficiency of healthy fats can negatively affect many hormones (notably leptin) which are essential for burning fat.

These must represent between 20 and 35% of your daily calorie intake. The foods richest in healthy fats are fatty fish, olive oil, avocados, eggs and nuts.

#5: muscle strengthening with real weights

layer of fat on the abslayer of fat on the abs

To lose your unsightly love handles, there’s no point focusing all your efforts on the obliques and abs.

Concretely, you build muscle in this part of the body, which is positive, but you are content to build muscle under the fat, without this involving a high energy expenditure.

Instead, it is more effective to indulge in bodybuilding, because by lifting cast iron you strengthen your body, burn more calories during exercise and during the recovery phase, and also increase your tresting metabolism.

This gives you long-term benefits, since the more muscles you have, the more energy your body needs to operate them.

Aim for muscle-strengthening exercises with weights, such as deadlifts, bench presses, squats and pull-ups.

Read also: This is the only valid method to eliminate your love handles for good

#6 : le HIIT

THE high intensity interval workouts are ideal for losing fat and should be combined with bodybuilding.

Incorporating 15 minutes of HIIT at the end of your strength training program, once or twice a week, is the best possible combination.

Indeed, during muscle strengthening, your glycogen and carbohydrate reserves are depleted.

Result, during HIIT, at the end, your metabolism will then draw maximum fat.

The ideal is to select exercises that work the entire body, such as burpees, jump squats, climber, etc.

For 15 to 60 seconds (depending on your physical abilities), work at high intensity with maximum effort possible, then, for the same period of time, enjoy active recovery, such as walking.

#7: quality sleep

good sleep habits when you're 40good sleep habits when you're 40

Getting enough sleep is essential, as lack of sleep can be the cause of hormonal imbalances explaining either weight gain or difficulty gaining weight despite the efforts made.

Quality sleep (sleeping enough and without unwanted nighttime awakenings) allows you to regulate testosterone and cortisol levels, two hormones that influence muscle growth and fat loss.

It is therefore recommended to sleep between 6 and 8 hours per night.

According to a studypeople sleeping less than 5 hours per night tend to store more abdominal fat than those sleeping 6 to 7 hours.

Read also: Lose weight while you sleep: 5 effective methods to burn more calories in your sleep

Bonus: intermittent fasting

By depriving your body of food for a long enough fasting window, your metabolism will have no choice but to draw on fat for the energy it needs to function normally. thus accelerating weight loss.

Plus, you’re simply limiting your daily eating time, reducing your chances of consuming calories.

There are several diets involving intermittent fasting, choose the method that suits you best. This practice may seem a little difficult at first, but it’s all a matter of getting used to it.

And progressive program can be implemented to allow your body to gradually get used to it.

sport-cat-date-updated">Updated by Emma on:05/12/2023

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#Key #Tips #Eliminate #Love #Handles #Good



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