Housing, hiring, credits: the Assembly votes for the generalization of anti-discrimination tests

2023-12-06 18:45:22

Published on Dec 6 2023 at 7:33 p.m.Updated Dec 6 2023 at 7:45 p.m.

The discussion on the bill providing for the generalization of testing on discrimination gave a – small – insight into the future debates on the immigration bill which is due to arrive at the National Assembly on Monday.

The deputies of the National Rally, while claiming to “share” the objective of fighting once morest all discrimination, spoke of “races”, “anti-white racism” or even banking discrimination once morest elected officials because they were judged “too right-wing” “. They also defended an amendment that had been “suggested” to them by the CPME limiting statistical testing to companies with more than 1,000 employees.

But beyond these manipulations which electrified the atmosphere, the debates on the bill occupied the left and the center of the Hemicycle, LR having from the outset announced that he “will oppose » to the text.

More than three hours of debate

The text was adopted by 102 votes for and 81 votes once morest following more than three hours of debate in the Assembly. Environmentalists and socialists were particularly active in the discussion but voted once morest.

The most divisive subject concerned the organization of individual testing. The author of the text, the Renaissance deputy Marc Ferracci, supported by the government, maintained his desire to entrust this competence to the Interministerial Delegation for the fight once morest racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT hatred (Dilcrah), placed to the Prime Minister, and not to the Defender of Rights.

An amendment was nevertheless voted in order not to set in stone this sharing of roles which provides for an experiment for three years. But this was not enough to convince the ecologists or the socialists.

The fine for companies whose test showed a discriminatory practice and which did not correct it was increased from 0.5% to 1% of payroll. Another fine was added, for repeat employers, this time of 5%, an amendment brought by the environmentalist deputy Aurélien Taché.

After the introduction into the stakeholder committee responsible for working on the methodology of discrimination tests of representatives of the social partners, an amendment was also voted, which provides that representatives of associations also include it. It is the president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council who will be responsible for appointing them.

A budget of 3 million euros was allocated to Dilcrah for its testing operations in the finance bill for 2024.

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