The impact of solar panels in the transition to renewable energies

2023-12-06 13:48:02

The planet is suffering. Nowadays, it has become essential to find alternatives to our consumption patterns in order to preserve the environment. And precisely, regarding the production and use of energy, it is mainly fossil fuels that are used. The problem is that they are extremely polluting and therefore harmful to the planet. In recent years, more and more people have turned to solar energy. But is it really effective for the planet?

What is the energy transition?

The energy transition is on everyone’s lips and at the center of all discussions. But what exactly is it? Concretely, the energy transition represents all the means put in place to use cleaner, more environmentally friendly and more sustainable energy sources. By banning fossil fuels to use, for example, solar panelsit is possible to reduce the environmental impact while benefiting from more ecological and more economical energy.

What are the advantages of solar panels?

Solar panels or photovoltaic panels have many advantages. In fact, they make it possible to produce clean, sustainable and renewable energy. These panels convert sunlight into electricity. Therefore, the energy produced is infinitely renewable and, in addition, it is not harmful to the environment. Thanks to this type of energy, greenhouse gas emissions are considerably reduced.

Furthermore, the environmental impact of solar panels is particularly positive. To extract fossil fuels, you have to drill, mine, etc. All of this has a negative effect on the planet. While the energy produced by solar panels does not need to degrade and pollute the environment.

Finally, the last advantage of solar panels concerns CO2 emissions. With fossil fuels, when they burn, they release significant quantities of CO2 (carbon dioxide) into the air, which, in the long term, can be very dangerous for the planet and for health. On the other hand, solar energy emits neither CO2 nor greenhouse gases. As part of the fight once morest global warming, this type of energy should be favored over fossil fuels.

Save money all year round

The environmental benefits are relatively numerous, but solar energy also has financial benefits. Of course, installing solar panels represents a certain financial cost which can be significant, but in the long term, solar energy allows you to make significant savings. The reason is simple, the energy produced by sunlight is free and renewable. In recent years, electricity prices in France have increased considerably to the point that many French people no longer have the means to heat themselves adequately. Recently, many companies have had to close their doors due to rising electricity prices.

But by using a free resource instead of electricity, you will be able to lower the amount of your energy bills. The cost of living is getting more and more expensive and it’s not getting any better. So if it is possible to save money, why deprive yourself of it?

How much does it cost to install solar panels?

Solar panels are expensive. On average, it costs between 9,000 and 13,000 euros to have quality panels delivering enough power to power a home. However, there are many criteria that can influence the price of the panels. You may not know this, but there are several types of solar panels. The more efficient or innovative the model, the more expensive it will be.

The power you need can also impact the price of the panels. For a home, a power of 3 kWp is sufficient and it will therefore cost between 9,000 and 13,000 euros for the purchase of solar panels. But there are panels with a power of 9 kWp whose price is between 25,000 and 30,000 euros!

Apart from the purchase of solar panels, you also have to take into account the price of installation, maintenance costs, etc. When you add everything up, the bill can be hefty. However, you should not see this as an expense, but rather as an investment that you will make profitable thanks to the savings made by solar energy. When you see the amount of your next energy bills, you will not regret having opted for solar panels.

Is there any assistance to finance the purchase of solar panels?

In order to encourage the French to opt for the energy transition, the State has put in place several aids to allow you to acquire solar panels. So, if you plan to produce electricity with solar panels in order to use it yourself, you can claim the self-consumption bonus. And if you produce more electricity than you need, know that with the purchase obligation, you have the possibility of reselling your surplus electricity to a supplier like EDF, for example.

Among the other aid available, there is reduced VAT, tax exemption, the zero-rate eco-loan, MaPrimeRénov, the energy bonus as well as various other aid offered by your city or region. Some of this aid can be combined, which can be very advantageous in reducing the cost of installing solar panels. So do not hesitate to find out regarding all the aid available to you to find out if you meet the conditions to be entitled to it.

With increasingly high electricity prices and environmental degradation, it has become essential to move away from fossil fuels and towards cleaner, more sustainable energies. Solar energy is free and unlimited, it is more environmentally friendly, which is really not insignificant. Of course, you still have to take into account the financial investment linked to the installation of solar panels in your home. But thanks to the numerous supports put in place by the government, producing solar energy is much more accessible than a few years ago.

So if you also want to embark on the energy transition by installing solar panels, do not hesitate to find out regarding the aid to which you are eligible, for example on the solar energy forum.

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