Symptoms of Lung Infection: Recognizing and Treating Respiratory Illness

2023-12-06 10:25:00

Nowadays, physical health is considered to be more important than other matters because having good health results in our daily life being able to do many things. But today we will talk regarding a danger that is so close to us that many people may forget and ignore it. “Symptoms of lung infection” The danger is nearby and can be easily contacted, so we will take you to check the cause of the infection. Symptoms of lung infection and how to take care of yourself

lung infection symptoms If neglected or when symptoms become more severe and do not rush to the hospital to see a doctor, you may risk death. A lung infection is when germs enter the body through the lungs, but germs enter the lungs through the nose, pharynx, large bronchi, small bronchi, and into the lungs’ air sacs. from breathing and from the bloodstream

Picture from: RAMA CHANNEL true visions 42

What is a lung infection?

A lung infection is when germs enter the human body and go deep into the lungs, but before the germs can pass through to the lungs, which is like the last line of defense for the respiratory system. It must pass through many organs, from the nose, throat, trachea, and large bronchi. This means that when germs pass through the lungs, they clearly show that they are very violent and dangerous.

It can enter our body for two main reasons: from breathing. and from the bloodstream This means that the infection came from other parts of the body and spread to the lungs through the bloodstream.

Symptoms that indicate that lung infection symptoms

High fever, chills, severe coughing, rapid breathing, sunken chest when breathing, shortness of breath, and being easily tired when exerting effort. Pain in the chest or ribcage when breathing in and out.

Note that the symptoms of a lung infection are similar to those of the common cold or the common cold. But one point that can be observed is lung infection symptoms That is, they tend to cough a lot when breathing in and out. and there will be no symptoms of a sore throat no runny nose But the common cold will have these 2 symptoms as well.

In addition, if the lungs are seriously infected, you can tell by breathing in and out. There will be a feeling of piercing pain in the forehead or ribcage because the infection is so severe that there is fluid in the pleural area. If you find that you or someone close to you has these symptoms, you should take them to see a doctor immediately.

Picture from: Information Bureau Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health

What is the cause of lung infection?

The cause of lung infection is infection, which the body can pick up from various types of infection. both bacteria (Staphylococcus (Staphylococcus), pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae), Microbacterium tuberculosis (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis), viruses (influenza, measles, chickenpox), parasites and fungi. The causes and factors that cause the body to be threatened by these germs are caused by

1. Getting infected By passing through a carrier medium such as water droplets or dust particles and travels into the respiratory system

2. Immune deficiency Sometimes the germs may not be serious for healthy people. But in people with impaired immunity Or those whose bodies are not strong, such as young children and the elderly, will cause these germs to enter the body more easily than usual.

3. Severity of germs and types of germs Even if you have a strong body, if your body is exposed to severe germs Can cause infection as well.

4. Taking medicine that affects the body’s immunity Groups of patients who take immunosuppressive drugs cause their overall immune system to not be strong enough to resist infection. or in groups of patients receiving chemicals received chemotherapy There is a greater chance of lung infection than usual. Because the immune system is destroyed from the medicines received.

How do I treat myself? If you have symptoms of a lung infection

Treating lung infections requires antibiotics. They must first be tested for what type of germs they are in order to receive the correct disinfectant. which is the heart of treating lung infections That is, the sooner the antibiotic is given, the higher the chance of a normal recovery. Including reducing the chance of death. Especially young children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems.

Safe from lung infections How should I take care of myself?

Wash your hands and keep them clean. Always wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol gel. Because you use your hands to touch things that may be contaminated with germs. If we use dirty hands to pick up food to eat, Or rub it into your eyes and inhale it, which can cause infection to enter the lungs. and can enter the body Get vaccinated once morest Receiving vaccinations to prevent disease, such as the influenza vaccine Pneumococcal vaccine Can help reduce the risk of lung infections. Take care of your health and get enough rest. Take care of your body and be strong. Get enough rest. Eat nutritious food Exercise regularly It is the basis for us to have good health. Have good body immunity This will reduce the chance of lung infection.

Preventing lung infections is easy, just by getting vaccinated.

Nowadays, we can reduce the risk of lung infections more easily. Just get various types of vaccines to strengthen your defenses and reduce the severity of the disease as follows.

influenza vaccine It is an alternative vaccine that is recommended to be administered annually. Because it can help reduce the chance of infection. Reduce the severity of disease that can cause complications. Especially among children, the elderly, and people who are easily infected. Have underlying diseases related to the respiratory system and impaired immune system If interested, you can read the details. More on the flu vaccine here. Children’s and Elderly Pneumonia Vaccine (IPD) is for groups at risk for life-threatening lung infections, such as young children and the elderly. It can reduce the risk of infection and the severity of infectious pneumonia. By receiving the pneumonia vaccine If interested, read more details and special price promotions here. 1 dose of 13 types of pneumonia vaccine (IPD) for adults, 1 dose of 23 types of pneumonia vaccine (IPD) for adults and13 types of pneumonia vaccine (IPD) for children, 3 injections

Therefore, if you observe your initial symptoms, you may meet the criteria for lung infection. It is recommended to see a doctor immediately to determine the true cause. Don’t just think that it’s just a common cold and buy medicine to take yourself. Currently, there is a vaccine that helps prevent and reduce the risk of lung infections more easily. Therefore, it is recommended that groups of people at risk get vaccinated.

You can watch educational video clips regarding lung infection symptoms on YouTube.

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