Carrying out Thematic Education on Xi Jinping Thought: A Fundamental Requirement for Chinese Modernization

2023-12-05 22:10:00

“Upholding the Party’s leadership is the essential requirement and fundamental guarantee for Chinese modernization.” During his recent inspection in Shanghai, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward clear requirements around upholding and strengthening the Party’s leadership and solidly carrying out the second batch of thematic education, emphasizing that “the first The second batch of thematic education is coming to an end. We must insist on not lowering the standards and not letting up on the momentum, integrating thematic education with all aspects of work, and achieving both attention, accuracy and promotion.”

Carrying out thematic education on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is a major task for party building this year and a major event related to the overall situation. Since the launch of the second batch of thematic education, all localities have paid more attention to arming themselves with theory, classified guidance, strengthening the foundation, overall coordination, and leadership guidance, educating and guiding party members and cadres to firmly establish the concept of political performance that benefits the people. Adhere to asking the people for their plans and needs, focus on solving the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of the people, promote “solving a type of problem” by “analyzing a problem”, and effectively transform the enthusiasm for learning and work into overcoming difficulties and doing things The powerful driving force for entrepreneurship will continuously enhance the people’s sense of gain, happiness and security through actual results in all aspects of work. The closer we get to the end, the more we need to be prudent and stay the course, to achieve high quality and good results in thematic education, and to ensure solid results.

The most important thing is simplicity, hard work is the key. It should be noted that the second batch of thematic education is carried out close to the masses, the contact with the masses is more direct, the contradictions and problems faced are more complex, and the problems that the masses expect to be solved are more specific. The word “real” must be highlighted as it reaches the grassroots level. Insisting on not lowering standards and not slackening motivation, we must implement practical requirements throughout the entire process of thematic education and focus on solving practical problems. It is necessary to listen extensively to the opinions of the masses, take the study and promotion of “four grassroots” as an important starting point, and focus on solving the worries and troubles of the masses, and integrate key measures such as theoretical study, investigation and research, promotion of development, inspection and rectification , and make the work that benefits the people’s livelihood, warms the people’s hearts, and complies with the public opinion close to the hearts of the people. We must insist on proceeding from reality in everything, firmly grasp the goals and tasks of thematic education, study more on actual results and less on form, do not make superficial articles, do not engage in new tricks, and maintain the political nature and seriousness of thematic education with a strict style. It is necessary to firmly grasp the launch of the second batch of thematic education as an important political task, continue to give full play to the role of the leadership system and working mechanism established in the first batch of thematic education, and prevent the tendency of “relaxing” and “resting”, Ensure that theme education starts well and ends well.

Practicality is a distinctive feature of Marxism, and the purpose of learning is all regarding application. Only by adhering to the two-pronged approach in educational practice, ensuring both correctness and promotion, and preventing “two skins” can the truth power and practical power of the party’s innovative theory be demonstrated. All regions, departments and units must adhere to the center and serve the overall situation, combine the development of thematic education with the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, and the promotion of the central work of the region, department and unit, so as to improve the overall effectiveness of thematic education, Make the process of carrying out thematic education a process of transforming theoretical learning into practical application, and a process for party members and cadres to improve their ability to perform their duties and enhance their responsibility. At the end of the year and the beginning of the new year, the tasks at the end of the year and the beginning of the new year are heavy and there are many work clues. We must adhere to overall planning and balance, properly handle the relationship between thematic education and central work, coordinate the theme education with the comprehensive completion of various work tasks this year, highlight the promotion of high-quality development, and reflect the effectiveness of thematic education in solving problems in advancing the central work , use the effectiveness of central work to test the effectiveness of theme education.

For ours, the largest Marxist ruling party in the world, only with strong theory can we have clear direction, unified people and sufficient confidence. Persevere in using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to focus our minds and souls, insist on not lowering standards and never letting up on motivation, plan, organize, and implement thematic education well, and do a solid job in theoretical study and investigation and research, and do a solid job While reviewing and rectifying outstanding problems, we will do a good job in doing practical things that benefit the people, and do both, make sure we are correct, and promote both. We will definitely be able to use hard work to promote development, win the trust of the people, and show new achievements in promoting Chinese-style modernization. New meteorological actions.

“People’s Daily” (Page 01, December 06, 2023)

(Editors: Zhao Xinyue, Yuan Bo)

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