Tragedy at La Poderosa Mine: Criminal Organization Murders Nine Workers in La Libertad, Peru

2023-12-04 21:45:00
La Libertad: Nine workers from the La Poderosa mining company are murdered | Channel N

The death of the 10 workers of the Poderosa mining company, at the hands of a criminal organization linked to illegal mining, continues to give rise to talk among the residents of Pataz, province of the La Libertad region.

Two days following the massacre that demanded the intervention of the central government, gruesome details have become known regarding the way in which the criminals activated the explosives to end the lives of the miners they had kidnapped.

It all began at 1 a.m. on December 2, when a large number of men armed with rifles broke into level 2995 of the Poderosa mine and took several workers hostage.

According to the survivors, the objective of the criminals was to seize the minerals, presumably gold, that had been extracted in recent days. However, this was prevented by the mine’s Property Security team.

Upon learning of the presence of these individuals within their facilities, they quickly organized a brigade of agents from the Huayna contracting company and advanced into the sinkhole to expel the intruders.

The police found nine dead and 13 seriously injured inside the sinkhole – Credit: Composition Infobae Perú

Precisely, a security worker from Huayna, who chose to keep his identity anonymous, narrated what his colleagues experienced from 11 in the morning, the time when the clashes began between the gunmen and personnel related to the Poderosa mine, along with to the support of troops from the Directorate of Special Operations (Diroes) of the National Police of Peru and the Chagual Police Station, who approached the area.

“The confrontation began at 11 in the morning on Saturday, previously in the early morning they took workers hostage. It was at the mine entrance, inside the mine. The criminals (parkers) were asking to negotiate for the hostages, for which the Poderosa company refused to settle and that is why they entered and there was a shootout. Supposedly we were winning, then there was an explosion, and there were 9 dead (hours later the death of one of the injured was confirmed),” he told local media N60.

According to the security worker, this is not the first time that they have been attacked by parkeros (criminals in the mining sector), however, the reports they make to prevent situations of this caliber are not attended to by the mining authorities. They even force them to perform functions for which they are not prepared.

“There were too many cases, but they are not usually reported properly and the higher ranks wash their hands. We work inside the mine, our contracts say we provide surface services when the company needs us, but that is a lie, we work inside where they extract the mineral. We take care of the mineral so that the parkers don’t take it. They have their own holes, they also make their way and connect with our holes,” he said.

“We are demanding that the Huayna company, for the fallen brothers, take care of the direct relatives, remuneration without any type of discounts. We want our salary to be increased, because it is too risky a job. We sign a contract and they tell us that we are going to manipulate long-range weapons. There are colleagues who are a year, a year and a half old and we still do not have the L4, a license to manipulate weapons,” he stated.

Police captured 5 Peruvians and 2 Venezuelans who belonged to La Gota Norteña, a criminal gang dedicated to illegal mining, extortion and contract killings. (Photo: PNP)

A platoon of the Special Group Against Organized Crime (Grecco) of the National Police arrived in the city of Trujillo as support forces to investigate the attack on the Poderosa mining company. PNP General Fernando Reategui, head of the operations command, indicated that the contingent will travel by helicopter to Pataz, where 50 troops are already carrying out the first procedures.

He specified that the detainees would be members of the criminal gang “La Gota Norteña”, which would be dedicated to contract killings and extortion in the area. He specified that information is being crossed to determine if this group is linked to the ‘Aragua Train’ mafia.

#Massacre #Pataz #gruesome #details #miners #deaths #narrated #Poderosa #security



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