Promoting the Implementation and Importance of the Constitution – Insights from Xi Jinping and Zhao Leji

2023-12-04 16:52:00


Xi Jinping issued important instructions on the occasion of the 10th National Constitution Day and emphasized that

Firmly safeguard the authority and dignity of the Constitution and promote the improvement and development of the Constitution

Better play the important role of the Constitution in governing the country

Zhao Leji attended the National Constitution Day symposium and delivered a speech

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 4. On the occasion of the 10th National Constitution Day, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, made important instructions and pointed out that the Constitution is the general charter for governing the country and ensuring national security, and is the basis for our party’s governance of the country. It is the fundamental legal basis for national politics and the highest legal norm for national political and social life. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party has strengthened its overall leadership over constitutional work, enriched and developed socialist constitutional theory and practice with Chinese characteristics, and promoted the construction of my country’s constitutional system and the implementation of the constitution to achieve historic achievements.

Xi Jinping emphasized that on the new journey, we must firmly safeguard the authority and dignity of the Constitution, promote the improvement and development of the Constitution, better play the important role of the Constitution in governing the country, and provide a solid guarantee for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization. . We must strengthen our confidence in the political system, uphold the leadership position of the Communist Party of China as determined by the Constitution, and uphold the state system of the people’s democratic dictatorship and the People’s Congress system as determined by the Constitution. It is necessary to implement the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics in the new era, adhere to the comprehensive implementation of the provisions of the Constitution, the principles of the Constitution, and the spirit of the Constitution, adhere to the implementation of the Constitution, the interpretation of the Constitution, and the advancement of the system of constitutional supervision, accelerate the improvement of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics with the Constitution as the core, and continuously Improve the level of implementation and supervision of the Constitution. It is necessary to strengthen theoretical research and publicity and education on the Constitution, persist in the popularization of knowledge, theoretical interpretation, and conceptual guidance, vigorously promote the spirit of the Constitution and the spirit of socialist rule of law throughout society, and promote the implementation of the Constitution as a conscious action of all people.

On the 4th, the General Office of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, together with the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Justice, held a symposium in Beijing on “Carrying forward the spirit of the Constitution, strengthening the implementation of the Constitution, and providing constitutional guarantees for building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation.” Important instructions from Xi Jinping were conveyed at the meeting. Zhao Leji, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, attended the symposium and delivered a speech.

On December 4, a symposium on “Carrying forward the spirit of the Constitution, strengthening the implementation of the Constitution, and providing constitutional guarantees for building a strong country and national rejuvenation” was held in Beijing. Important instructions from Xi Jinping were conveyed at the meeting. Zhao Leji, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, attended the symposium and delivered a speech.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Jie

In his speech, Zhao Leji emphasized that we must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, comprehensively promote the implementation of the Constitution and publicity and education work, and give full play to the advantages and effectiveness of the country’s fundamental law.

Zhao Leji pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important speeches and articles on the Constitution and its implementation, and made a series of important instructions, which have enriched and developed the theory of socialist constitution with Chinese characteristics and laid the foundation for writing China’s constitutional practice in the new era. The new chapter provides fundamental guidelines for compliance and action. We must deeply understand that upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most prominent feature and the most fundamental requirement of our country’s Constitution, deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, achieve “two safeguards”, and ensure that the party’s leadership is comprehensive, systematic and holistic Implement the entire process in all aspects of the party and state’s undertakings. We must deeply understand that our country’s Constitution is a constitution with a distinct socialist nature and a people’s constitution in the true sense, firmly grasp the essential requirements of Chinese-style modernization, use the Constitution to build consensus and gather the strength of unity and struggle. We must deeply understand that our country’s Constitution has the supreme legal status and strong legal power. The comprehensive implementation of the Constitution is the primary task of comprehensively governing the country according to law, and comprehensively building a modern socialist country on the track of the rule of law.

Zhao Leji emphasized that on the new journey, we must thoroughly study and implement the theory of the socialist constitution with Chinese characteristics and continue to deepen the comprehensive implementation of the constitution. It is necessary to improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, improve the implementation mechanism of relevant provisions of the Constitution, improve the constitutional supervision system, and ensure the implementation of the Constitution with a scientific, effective, systematic and complete system. It is necessary to tell the story of the Chinese Constitution well, carry forward the spirit of the Constitution, strengthen theoretical research on the Constitution, and make all people loyal advocates, conscious adherents, and staunch defenders of the Constitution.

Li Hongzhong, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, chaired the symposium.

Relevant responsible comrades from the Central Propaganda Department, the Constitution and Law Committee of the National People’s Congress, the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Ministry of Education, the China Law Society and representatives of the National People’s Congress spoke at the symposium.

Xiao Jie, Hao Mingjin and Zhang Qingwei attended the symposium.

The symposium was attended by responsible comrades of the special committees of the National People’s Congress and the Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, responsible comrades of relevant departments of central and state agencies, and experts and scholars from some universities and scientific research institutes in Beijing.

[Editor in charge: Liu Weijia]

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