Full employment: the government looking for avenues for reform

2023-12-03 17:07:25

Published on Dec 3 2023 at 4:08 p.m.Updated Dec 3 2023 at 6:07 p.m.

Officially, it is only a working meeting. However, it takes on the appearance of a mini-mobilization while the unemployment rate is simmering in the wrong direction. Elisabeth Borne is bringing together her main ministers concerned this Monday followingnoon to study adjustments, or even new reforms, to the labor market capable of securing what remains the cardinal objective of the five-year term: achieving full employment by 2027 .

“We are fighting for full employment and obviously, we are not going to give up,” confides to “Echos” the Prime Minister, determined not to wait until mid-March and the end, normally, of the negotiations of the social partners on the continued employment of seniors to act in fields that fall under the jurisdiction of the State.

Conventional terminations in the viewfinder

It is therefore up to the Ministers of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, of Vocational Education and Training, Carole Grandjean, and of SMEs, Olivia Grégoire, to come loaded with ideas. Thomas Cazeneuve, Grand Master of Public Accounts, will also be present to ensure that the bill does not slip. Unless it is offset by savings elsewhere.

Adjustments to the Labor Code, a new mobilization plan to reduce recruitment difficulties, or even a new major reform… the overview seems broad. At this stage, the only lead confirmed to Matignon concerns the contractual termination suspected, because it gives the right to compensation from Pôle emploi, of encouraging employees to move from one employer to another.

Determined to take center stage, Bruno Le Maire has already revealed part of what he considers appropriate to do, promising a “global plan” and consulting in all directions for this. This involves in particular the introduction of a new part-time right for all employees at the end of their career, and thus “avoid too abrupt exits from employment”. We must put an end to “the hypocrisy of the social system which excludes those over 55 to make room for young people”, he pleads.

Different from progressive retirement, this new right might take the form of an employment contract at, for example, four-fifths (80% of the time), while being paid 90% of one’s salary and contributing 100% for retirement. The idea has everything to please the CFDT, and it is likely to find itself in the field of negotiations on seniors between unions and employers.

The Mayor very lively

Definitely very lively, the Minister of the Economy put a coin back into the machine this Sunday during an interview with “Parisien”. Target ? Young people this time. We must, he declared, “tackle as an absolute priority the hundreds of thousands of unfilled jobs in sectors in tension. Boilermakers, roofers, welders, catering, catering, hotels, etc. We might, for example, promote the personal training account of a young person who enters one of these sectors. »

Supplementing the personal training account (CPF) to cover the entire cost of training is possible since the law for the freedom to choose one’s professional future in 2018. Whatever the contributor, State, regions, companies… And regardless of the age of the account holder. Except that this provision remains confidential. Perhaps Bruno Le Maire has in mind to devote a specific budget to it and to make it known through a massive communication campaign?

Another measure brought to public debate without waiting to present it to Elisabeth Borne this Monday: the reduction of the time limit for an employee to appeal once morest their employer in the event of dismissal, currently twelve months. “It is important that employees can be protected, but this delay is too long. In all other developed countries, it’s two months. This seems like a good deadline to me,” added Bruno Le Maire. Without specifying, however, the percentage of appeals before the Industrial Tribunal which take place beyond two months.

#Full #employment #government #avenues #reform



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