UABC Medical School Enrollment and Future Hospital Developments in Baja California

2023-12-03 20:03:48

An increase in enrollment for Health careers at the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) is not yet considered pertinent, since they are waiting to see how the construction of new hospitals in the state develops, acknowledged the rector of the institution, Luis Enrique Palafox Maestre.

He highlighted that although the construction and expansion of hospital infrastructure will at some point allow more spaces to be opened in the Medicine degree, the most requested at the university, it is still early to think regarding this possibility.

“As long as we are not certain of how many spaces are going to be generated from this increase in infrastructure, it would be irresponsible to increase enrollment or the offer of spaces in Medicine, if there is not that certainty yet”

Only during the last selection process carried out by the university, nearly 3 thousand applicants who tried to enter Medicine did not find a place, almost triple the slightly less than a thousand who did find a place.

“The demand for Medicine has historically been very high, and it has historically been difficult to attend to all the spaces that have been demanded by young people who cross high school”

Palafox Maestre pointed out that as an institution they will also seek to promote other programs such as Natural Sciences, Exact Sciences, Engineering and careers in the area of ​​Technology, which also have the possibility of development and are not so in demand.

As an example, he mentioned the degree in Data Science, which is currently offered in Ensenada and stated that it is “highly in demand” in the labor market, although in the last call only 22 people requested to enter this program.

“We believe that part of that is because it is only offered in the Ensenada unit, and that is why we are regarding to open, tentatively for next year, a program associated with data analytical science in online mode,” he said.

#increase #spaces #Medicine #Rector #Voz #Frontera



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