New Protocol Allows Students to Request Interruption of Exams Due to Mistreatment by Teacher: Fairer Tables Project at UNR Medical School

2023-12-02 11:47:00
The Board of Directors of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Rosario (UNR) approved a “pilot test” for the protocol that allows students to request the interruption of an exam if they suffer a situation of “mistreatment” by the teacher shift.

Within the framework of the “Fairer Tables” project, promoted by the Group to Fight for Student Rights (ALDE), which is led by the student center of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Rosario (UNR), the Authorities of the aforementioned university approved a new protocol that allows students to request the suspension of an exam if they feel “mistreated” by a teacher. This initiative has been in effect since the beginning of November, but it is important to highlight that it is in a “pilot test” phase.

“Starting with the November tables, if at a table you suffer mistreatment or they take something that is not from the area, you will be able to request that the exam be interrupted and that another examining board take it once more, in that same call” , they stated from ALDE on September 28, the day on which the UNR, through a statement signed by professor and doctor Jorge Molinas, dean and president of the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Rosario university, confirmed the approval of the protocol.

This “tool”, as ALDE described it, was presented once morest the background of some “unequal and unfair” exams that students had to take, and its objective is to “improve the forms of evaluation.”

“It will also leave a record of who the teachers are who carry out these practices that harm us,” ALDE stressed in an Instagram publication.

“Fairer tables”, the project promoted by the group of students gathered at ALDE.

In this scenario, the student can request the interruption of the exam when there is an “evaluation of content not included in the area program.” Secondly, given the consideration of the teachers in charge of the table of judging “incorrect” concepts “duly supported by the bibliography”, according to the protocol. Thirdly and finally, if there was “lack of respect or inappropriate treatment for an exam.”

If a medical student needs to request the interruption of an exam, they must first notify the teacher on duty. Next, the interested party has to look for the form that is available in the Secretariat for each year and complete it with the required data. Once this stage is completed, the university authorities must assign a new Examination Board for the applicant, who must take the exam once more within the same exam period.

If a situation of abuse occurs during a virtual exam, the procedure is similar, only in this case the corresponding form must be sent via email to the Secretary of the corresponding area.

One by one, the cases in which students of the Medicine degree at the National University of Rosario (UNR) can request the interruption of an exam.

After analyzing the project presented by the students enrolled in ALDE, the university authorities resolved to “authorize the Management of the School of Medicine to implement a test of the project presented, in pilot mode, which allows the student to request the interruption of the exam,” as stated. as indicated in the statement released at the end of September.

Likewise, the Board of Directors of Medical Sciences clarified that the protocol will be in force during the November – December and February – March examination tables of this school year. “Once they are finished, the results will be evaluated and their continuity will be discussed,” they concluded.

The measure, as expected, “did not go down well” and generated a certain climate of discomfort among teachers. “The students reported that they had experienced situations of abuse in the exams and that they were asked things that did not correspond to the area, but the measure did not go down well with the teachers, many felt they were being watched, especially because the teachers also often receive verbal attacks. of the students,” summarized a teacher from the faculty, in dialogue with the newspaper La Capital.

Against the protocol promoted by ALDE, the students grouped in the Impulso group released a statement on November 6, a few days before the regulations came into effect, in which they requested an extraordinary meeting and presented a motion “for reconsideration.” to evaluate the possible cancellation of the initiative.

The letter from the Impulso student group addressed to the dean and president of the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Rosario, professor Jorge Molinas.

But until this Saturday, the protocol for interrupting an exam in the event of teacher abuse remained in force.

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