Ultimate Strategy Guide for The Night Before Forgotten Mobile Game | 5 Tips for Novices and Strong Team Recommendations

2023-11-30 09:40:03
Strategy guide for the new mobile game “The Night Before Forgotten”|5 tips that novices must know and strong team recommendations|The traditional Chinese version of “The Night Before Forgotten”, a rougelike deck-building game similar to Slay the Spire in “Slay the Spire”, has been officially launched, “Hong Kong 01” Technology The following section of the Playthings Channel provides guides for newbies to the game, including 5 must-know tips and powerful team recommendations. Real-person physical strength production This game adopts the “real-person physical strength system”. The main level does not consume physical strength and will drop character advancement materials. On the other hand, when you want to upgrade the character, you need to keep grinding through levels. When playing each level for the first time, it is best to explore the entire map and get all the hidden items. When the level of practice is higher, you can make up for the 3-star level. After all, it will be much faster to beat the old main line level when the level is over. It is not necessary in the early stage. Hard grind. ????Strategy for the new mobile game “The Night Before Forgetting”|Quickly brush the first draw method to start the strongest character Recommended characters to upgrade and get the general pool when drawing. Many games have similar settings. Each character can get 1 general pool following being promoted once. Drawing cards, and the first promotion does not consume much materials, it is recommended to upgrade all characters to level 10 and get more egg drawing tickets. ????Mon Hunt’s new work, Bio Code Remastered Edition|Capcom’s major announcement at the end of the year is that the leaked skills cannot be used to recruit. In addition to upgrading and upgrading, the character’s skills can also be strengthened, but there is no need to use all skills in the early and mid-term. It is not necessary to upgrade everything to full level. Some of them are very cost-effective, such as strike and defense, and even awakening. Only the important ones can be upgraded; for example, output characters do not need to upgrade defense skills. ????Netizens wanted to see Yokohama 1:1 Gundam but went to the wrong Odaiba to complain online and were besieged instead: Wherever they went, they didn’t know that the cost of selecting a team to focus on investing in supporting the characters starting from Promotion 2 would be greatly increased, so in After the land reclamation is almost complete, you need to select a team of four main characters and invest all your resources in them to increase their combat power and advance to later levels. In the exchange store, you can use the tokens obtained from egg draws to exchange for various rare items. However, it is most practical to exchange all the monthly limited special egg draw coupons first; consider exchanging them only when there are still some left. something else. ????Switch 2 Breaking News|It is rumored that Mario Kart You can’t form a team; there’s no need to force yourself to draw all the teams, just play whatever you have on hand. Tentacle team: Tulu/Shan/Celeste/Aureta uses tentacle damage as its main output and has strong continuous firepower; if the above combination is not available, it can be replaced by other characters with the same characteristics. For example, if there is no Shan, it can be used instead. Kekes or Nodila are both defensive types. Flesh team: Shiloh/Lea/Feint/Aijisi. The combination of Shiloh and Leia creates a team with strong explosive firepower. It is very satisfying when the combo is done well and the damage is done successfully.
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