Egypt-Hungary Presidential Visit: Behind the Scenes and Key Meetings

2023-12-01 22:56:00

Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, was keen to document the scenes of the visit of Kathleen Novak, President of Hungary, to Egypt, the most important of which was her meeting with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Counselor Hanafi El-Gebali and Pope Tawadros.

Novak and Al-Mashat appeared in the photos that the latter published on her personal account on Instagram, in many places during her visit, which the former documented by taking selfies to indicate the strength of the relationship between the two countries. The Minister of International Cooperation quickly published the photos and wrote, “It is my pleasure to accompany Mrs. Katalin Novak, first.” President of Hungary, and the youngest to hold the position, during her visit to Egypt, where we exchanged experiences and visions. It was a visit full of important events, most notably the meeting with Mr. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. She also met with Counselor Hanafi El-Gebali, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Pope Tawadros, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Mark. It also included The visit inspected the railway cars at Misr Station, and visited one of the archaeological excavation sites in Luxor.”

Mr. President’s meeting with the President of Hungary

Selfie of the President of Hungary with Mr. President

Rania Al-Mashat and Novak

Al-Mashat added, “The relationship between Egypt and Hungary is strategic and includes many aspects of cooperation in the fields of energy, health, transportation, and antiquities, and through the joint committee that I am honored to chair with the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, we are working on further progress and development in those relations, in implementation of the directives of the political leadership.”

Dr. Rania Al-Mashat and President of Hungary

Behind the scenes of the visit of the President of Hungary with Pope Tawadros

Behind the scenes of the visit

Part of the visit

#selfie #President #Sisi. #AlMashat #accompanies #youngest #president #Hungary #visit #Egypt



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