Can you eat a banana in the evening to sleep better?

2023-12-01 20:30:00

Slip into the arms of Morpheus thanks to a banana may seem completely far-fetched… However, reading this article might well make you reconsider your eating habits. Beyond its sweet flavor and creamy texture, banana is full of surprising properties which promote restful sleep and contribute to general well-being. Insights from Florence Thorez, dietitian-nutritionist.

Why is it good to eat a banana before sleeping?

Eating a banana before sleeping can indeed promote quality sleep…

Banana is rich in tryptophan

At the heart of the banana: tryptophanan amino acid known to reduce stress and promote well-being, as it acts as a precursor to serotonin, itself involved in the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, explains Florence Thorez.

In detail, tryptophan is converted to 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) by an enzyme called tryptophan hydroxylase. It is then decarboxylated and converted to serotonin. At the end of the day, when the light decreases, this serotonin is then converted to melatonin through several enzymatic steps.

Banana is rich in magnesium

The banana also contains magnesium (28 mg per 100g on average). “This mineral plays a crucial role in the relaxation of muscles and the nervous system, creating an environment conducive to deep, soothing sleep“, notes the dietician-nutritionist. In other words, eating a banana a few hours before bedtime soothes the nervous system and makes it easier to fall asleep.

To note : dried banana contains even more magnesium, 108 mg per 100g, according to Ciqual (source 1). However, they are also richer in sugar, and therefore in calories… Florence Thorez’s advice: plan ahead a dozen slices of dried bananas in a cup for the evening and put the package away to limit consumption!

Banana contains B vitamins

We also find interesting quantities of vitamin B3or niacin (0.39 mg per 100g), vitamin B6or pyridoxine (0.18 mg per 100g) and vitamine B9, or folic acid (19 µg per 100g). All are involved in the synthesis of serotonin and help regulate sleep cyclesthus reinforcing the positive effect of bananas on the quality of nighttime rest.

Banana is rich in natural carbohydrates

The banana is a significant source of carbohydrates present in the form of sugar and starch (19.7g per 100g), notes Florence Thorez. And to explain: “the consumption of carbohydrates can promote insulin releasewhich, in turn, promotes the passage of tryptophan across the blood-brain barrier, allowing it to be converted to serotonin, and then melatonin.”

Good to know: the riper the banana, the higher its glycemic index.

Doesn’t banana make you gain weight if you eat it in the evening?

Contrary to popular belief, eat a banana in the evening does not promote weight gain ! “It’s all a question of energy balance: no food in itself can make you gain weight or lose weight, insists the expert. Bananas can absolutely be consumed in the evening, in moderation, as part of a balanced diet. “

As a reminder, the caloric value of a banana however depends one its stage of maturity (the riper it is, the more sugar it is) and its weight (which can range from 100 to 200 g depending on the variety). Count on average 90.5 kcal for 100 g of banana, compared to 52 kcal for 100 g of apple. The difference is far from significant…

Furthermore, the banana is rich in dietary fiberwhich can aid digestion and prevent nighttime cravings.

When is the best time to eat a banana in the evening?

Ideally, choose banana as ripe as possible and eat it at dinner as dessert, at least two hours before going to bed. You can enjoy it in several ways: raw as is, crushed with a pinch of cinnamon, fried or toasted in the oven with a little honey, in a smoothie with almond milk, etc.

No question of just eating a banana in the evening!

Although the banana can be a great ally for quality sleep, it does not replace a meal! Skipping a meal or relying on a restrictive banana diet will not help you lose weight sustainably.

A good sleep routine is essential to sleep better!

Several factors must be taken into account to improve your sleep:

  • Respect regular meal, bedtime and wake-up times.
  • Create an environment conducive to sleep by reducing the light intensity of your room and make sure it is calm and sufficiently cool.
  • Establish a digital curfew to avoid blue light from screens and favor relaxing activities before going to bed.
  • Expose yourself to natural light and practice regular physical activity during the day, preferably outdoors.
  • Turn to stress management techniquessuch as meditation, deep breathing or yoga to learn to release mental and physical tensions.
  • Avoid checking the time once you are in bed, as this can increase sleep-related stress.

And if your sleep problems persist, consult a healthcare professional to discuss your sleep habits and a possible underlying problem!

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