Five shipowners commit to total decarbonization of maritime transport in 2050

2023-12-01 15:25:24

“This is my first participation in a conference of the parties. » When flying to Dubai, the host emirate of the 28e world climate conference (COP28), Rodolphe Saadé assures that he does not arrive empty-handed. The Chairman and CEO of CMA CGM defended, Friday 1is December, a « initiative collective », with four other container ship owners – the Italian-Swiss MSC, the German Hapag-Lloyd, the South Korean HMM and the Danish AP Moller-Maersk, very active in the decarbonization of maritime transport, responsible for 3 % of CO emissions2 in the world.

This charter, called “Commitments of public and private actors for the decarbonization of maritime transport”, also signed by France, Denmark and South Korea, is a first, even if it is part of the broader framework of objectives of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a United Nations institution. “Our ambition to decarbonize is very strong, explains Mr. Saadé to Monde. It first involves compliance with the high IMO standards for the decarbonization trajectory: – 30% CO2 in 2030 [par rapport à 2008]– 80% in 2040 and zero emissions in 2050. For the first time, we are paving the way for total decarbonization of the shipping [transport de marchandises] in 2050, and I really believe in it. »

This commitment is accompanied by a “second ambition”he adds: “Rapidly set an irrevocable date beyond which all new ships built must be powered by transition fuels, while there is no obligation today; I hope it is the same for everyone. » Beyond liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is not a “green” fuel, the initiative wants to promote biomethane and e-methanol, while waiting for hydrogen or ammonia.

“Green navigation corridors”

Maritime transport provides nearly 90% of goods transport and its tonnage has doubled in twenty years. However, the overwhelming majority of the 100,000 ships in service run on fuel oil. “European shipowners are driving decarbonization, underlines the boss of the world’s third largest container ship. Our initiative is open, and anyone can join. » For the moment, Asian shipowners like the Chinese Cosco, number four in the world, the Taiwanese Evergreen or the Japanese One, are staying away.

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The signatory States of the text undertake to defend before the IMO the development of a regulatory framework, applicable in 2027. It will allow “that all countries and shipping companies be “treated equally””warns Mr. Saadé. It must include a “international standard for greenhouse gas emissions from fuels” which promotes “the most innovative”, and pricing of these discharges “with a predictable price” to reduce the price differential to the advantage of heavy fuel oil.

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