Agence Middle looks back at the “I love my dys” campaign

2023-11-30 22:06:16

Since he started, Lexibar is committed to raising awareness and supporting those affected by dys disorders. In recent weeks, the organization marked a major milestone with a communications campaign of unprecedented scale. This campaign signed Agence Middle was much more than just a marketing initiative; it has been a total immersion in awareness and education regarding dys disorders.

Born from the desire to support and raise awareness of the reality of “dys” people (dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dysorthography), this campaign aims to break isolation and celebrate their intellectual diversity. The campaign succeeded in capturing the attention of millions of people across Quebec.

I love my Dys was a major step in the realization of its mission. Its main objective was to:

To raise awareness: It was necessary to reach a wide audience to raise awareness of the reality of dys disorders. The goal was to create deep understanding and invite kindness and inclusion for all.
Educate and inform: Beyond raising awareness, the objective was to provide precise and relevant information on dys disorders. By educating the public, the campaign aimed to break preconceptions and myths.
Reducing stigma: Combating the stigma associated with dys disorders was a priority. By highlighting the successes and inspiring stories of our ambassadors, the campaign aimed to change negative perceptions and promote a more inclusive vision.
Ensuring sustainability: Have an impactful campaign, which speaks to everyone and which is renewed every year.

A different journey
Despite their intelligence, perseverance and great strengths, “dys” people are too often judged as being lazy, stupid, less good, etc. Some even go so far as to talk regarding illness. It is then difficult for these people not to feel isolated and misunderstood. Their educational journey is one of struggle and the problem does not disappear following studies. Whether in life as an employee, employer, parent, customer, etc., people with learning disabilities will always face challenges and negative reactions.

Funny fact: did you know that famous celebrities such as Albert Einstein and Walt Disney were dyslexic?

I love my Dys in numbers
The J’aime mon dys communication campaign reached remarkable figures. Social media greatly carried the message. On the platforms of Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok, the campaign reached a massive audience of more than 1.6 million people. The provision of educational kits has generated keen interest in schools and teachers, with hundreds of educational kits ordered, providing invaluable support to the cause. Interviews, whether online or through various media, helped amplify the reach of the campaign, reaching thousands more people. The results exceed initial expectations, demonstrating the commitment and interest of the community and the general public.

The ambassadors
At the heart of this awareness campaign are the ambassadors of I love my dys. Their involvement and dedication were fundamental pillars in propelling the campaign to success. L’Agence Middle thanks Steve Begincampaign spokesperson and Olivia Leclercweb ambassador, for having proudly embodied and represented I love my dys!

They were the voice of the campaign, bringing their experiences, stories and support to this initiative. Their role extended far beyond simple representation: they embodied the authenticity and reality of people affected by dys disorders. This collaboration was one of the essential success factors of the campaign.

The media are talking regarding it
The team was able to capture media attention through different platforms, thus providing increased visibility to the cause of dys disorders. Several media such as Hey there, The Montreal Journal, Mononews et Old broadcast the key messages of the campaign to a wide audience, thus reaching many attentive listeners. The presence of Steve Bégin to represent I love my dys on the waves of Hi hello was a real success, reaching a diverse and now aware audience. The online publications of TVA Sports also helped expand the reach of the campaign.

All this media visibility has made it possible to broaden the audience and reach diverse communities. Yet the most significant impact is often felt at the individual level, as witnessed by our community members.

The community bears witness
The true heroes of this campaign are those whose lives have been touched and transformed by the actions of I love my dys. Here is the moving testimony of Maryline, who shares her relief when she learned that her daughter Cloé, dyslexic and dysorthographic, would be able to benefit from a tool like Lexibar throughout her school career!

“When we learned of my children’s diagnosis, their wonderful neuropsychiatrist immediately reassured us by saying that “Hey…. don’t worry regarding that… It’s so much less dramatic to being dyslexic-dysorthographic in 2017 than it was when we were young in the 80s or even in the early 2000s. There are plenty of tools and means now to support children in their learning! We’re going to give them a computer and they’re going to learn how to use it like someone who has a prosthesis to be able to walk and run!” It was a relief to be able to pinpoint what was wrong and what was creating big challenges for my children… Already in kindergarten, Cloé had “trouble with letters and syllables”. In the 4th year we might see that things were no longer going well and we went to see a private doctor, without waiting following school. Now, in secondary 3, she has confidence in herself, she is motivated, diligent and determined and she wants to become a doctor! I can’t imagine her journey if she hadn’t had her technological aids, including Lexibar! As with Steve Bégin, my partner, who had big challenges in his school career and who left school quite early, realized that he was probably dyslexic and dysorthographic too! Doing a manual job for him was like sport for Steve, it allowed him to earn a very good living without his dys disorders affecting him too much! Now kids have so many more options that they can consider all the possibilities!”

This testimony reflects the deep and personal impact this campaign has had on the lives of people affected by dys. They represent the reason why the stakeholders bet everything on this important awareness campaign.

Countryside I love my dys will be back for a new edition in 2024.

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