This is how the salaries were with the increase

2023-11-30 23:24:24

In the last joint ATE meetings, Unter and Sitrajur accepted the increase offered by eThe Rio Negro government of 8.3% in November salaries for Public Administration employees. UPCN was the only one that rejected the proposal because it considered it “very poor”. See how the November salaries will be with the increase, which will be paid starting Saturday, December 2.

The salary increase consisted of the same percentage of national inflation of 8.3% which will have an impact on November salaries.

Besides, The fixed sum of $90,000 will be maintained, which will be regularized in the salary schedule for the first half of next yeara task that the Weretilneck government must assume.

In this way and according to ATE calculations, The starting salary for Law 1844 personnel will amount to $319,825.

While, For the salary of the witness position (grade teacher without seniority), according to data provided by Unter, it will be $347,406.

This amount will be charged starting from the next payment schedule.which the Province confirmed its start for Saturday, December 2 with the health sector.

will follow the mars 5 with the Police and Provincial Penitentiary Service, while the Wednesday 6 It will be the turn of teachers and goalkeepers.

He Thursday 7 The personnel of Law 1844, Rio Negro Highways and Volunteer Firefighters Pensions will be paid. Finally, the Friday, 8 The salary will be deposited to agents of the Legislative, Judicial and Control Agencies.

Meanwhile, with the nnew management of Alberto Weretilneck The next increase must be resolved, which will be subject to Indec numbers with respect to November inflation data. The date of the bonus payment will also remain to be resolved.

#salaries #increase



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