Enhancing Sexual Health for Women with Gynecological Cancer: A Specialized Program for Improved Sexual Satisfaction

2023-11-30 09:01:08

Improves sexual desire, satisfaction, and orgasm

Entered 2023.11.30 18:00 Views 169 Entered 2023.11.30 18:00 Modified 2023.11.30 15:00 Views 169

It was found that providing specialized sexual health improvement program education to gynecological cancer patients not only increases female sexual function indices such as sexual desire, sexual excitement, and orgasm, but also increases sexual communication scores. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]During cancer treatment, women with gynecological cancers such as cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, and endometrial cancer not only experience physical changes such as removal of genital organs such as the uterus and ovaries, vaginal atrophy, vaginal dryness, urination problems, nausea, vomiting, loss of body hair, and dyspareunia. They experience emotional changes such as loss of genitalia, damage to their self-image as a woman, depression, and anxiety.

It was found that providing specialized sexual health improvement program education to these gynecological cancer patients not only increases female sexual function indices such as sexual desire, sexual excitement, and orgasm, but also increases sexual communication scores. Sexual communication refers to the ability to propose and communicate satisfactory sexual behavior to one’s spouse through conversations related to one’s sexual life.

According to the results of research on ‘Development and effectiveness of sexual health improvement program for women with gynecological cancer’ by Professor Jang Soon-yang of Daegu University’s Department of Nursing, following implementing the sexual health improvement program, the average female sexual function index of the experimental group was 22.15 points, significantly higher than the average of 15.91 points of the control group. It was high. Sub-domains of sexual function, such as sexual desire, sexual excitement, vaginal discharge, orgasm, and satisfaction, were all significantly higher. After implementing the sexual health improvement program, the average body image score of the experimental group was 2.93 points, which was significantly higher than the average score of 2.42 points for the control group. After implementing the sexual health improvement program, the average sexual communication score of the experimental group was 3.17 points, which was significantly higher than the average of 2.16 points of the control group.

A variety of activities including sex education, Kegel exercises, and psychodrama are provided.

Study subjects were selected from patients receiving regular outpatient treatment following being diagnosed and treated for gynecological cancer at the obstetrics and gynecology department of a university hospital located in a metropolitan city in Korea. Patients diagnosed with cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, or endometrial cancer were limited to 1 month to 3 years following treatment. The final study subjects were 15 people in the experimental group and 15 people in the control group who participated in all session programs.

The gynecological cancer sexual health improvement program developed by Professor Jang’s team includes provision of sex-related information, Kegel exercises, group art activities, psychodrama, and group counseling within the framework of sexual function, sexual self-concept, and sexual interrelationships, for 120 minutes once a week. It consists of 6 weeks. For the experimental group, a sexual health improvement program was conducted by researchers and experts for 120 minutes once a week for 6 weeks at the hospital cancer center training center, and for the control group, a general cancer management program was conducted at the 1st, 3rd, and 6th weeks.

The age of the study subjects was 50 to 59 years old, with 15 people (50.0%). There were 18 people (60.0%) without a job and 12 people (40.0%) with a job. Regarding economic status, 10 people (33.3%) had an income of less than 2 to 3 million won, and 9 people (30.0%) had an income of less than 1 million to 2 million won. 25 people (83.3%) said they had cancer insurance, and 5 people (16.7%) said they did not have cancer insurance. The types of cancer were cervical cancer in 16 patients (53.3%), ovarian cancer in 11 patients (36.7%), and endometrial cancer in 3 patients (10.0%).

Effects such as kissing, friendly conversation, and holding hands with your husband

Stage 1 was the most common with 21 patients (70.0%), followed by stage 2 with 5 patients (16.7%) and stage 3 with 4 patients (13.3%). The period following completion of treatment was more than 1 year to less than 2 years in 10 patients (33.3%), followed by more than 6 months to less than 1 year in 9 patients (30.0%). The most common treatment method was surgery in 12 patients (40.0%), followed by surgery and chemotherapy in 9 patients (30.0%). As for hormone therapy, 16 people (53.3%) said they ‘use it’ and 14 people (46.7%) said they ‘do not use it.’

In this study, the sexual health behavior practice check items included ‘having skinship (kissing, hugging) with your husband’, ‘holding hands during dinner conversation’, ‘talking affectionately with your husband for more than 10 minutes a day’, and ‘actively expressing sexual desires’. It was evaluated that it improved sexual communication centered on the marital relationship that couples can empathize with by consistently encouraging them to practice things like ‘planning their sex life together with their husbands’.

The research was published in Asian Oncology Nursing, published by the Korean Society of Oncology Nursing. Professor Jang said, “The reality is that systematic sexual health intervention programs for women with gynecological cancer who have a long survival period are rare,” and “If this sexual health improvement program is applied to nursing settings, it will contribute to the continued improvement of sexual health and quality of life for women with gynecological cancer.” “I think it can contribute to expanding the role of nurses,” he said.

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