Winter Weather and Covid-19: Impact on Virus Circulation and Prevention Tips

2023-11-29 16:08:13

As announced by Météo France, we are in a “winter” week. Will these cooler temperatures, with even frost, increase the circulation of Covid-19, which has already been on the rise since mid-November?

In its latest acute respiratory infection surveillance bulletin, Public Health France reports a “increasing trend” cases of Covid-19 in France. In parallel, Meteo France confirms a “continuation of the winter episode”. This will cold kill viruses -including Sars-Cov-2- as we often think or, on the contrary, strengthen their circulation ?

“The mechanisms associated with seasonality relate to both the virus and the host”

The transmission of many respiratory viruses evolves in a way periodic, cyclical and seasonal. This is how we observe increases in the incidence of common cold, flu or bronchiolitis during fall and winter. “THE mechanisms associated with this seasonality belong to both the virus and the host. explained Santé Publique France in a synthesis published in 2020 on the “Seasonality of Sars-Cov-2 transmission”. So, during theautumn and winter, changing weather conditions can promote the survival of respiratory viruses in the environment and aerial transmission virions (infectious particles of a virus); increase host susceptibility by decreased immunityfragility of the respiratory mucous membranes or even modification of the mucus, and modify our behavior by favoring indoor social activities and interactions more favorable to transmissions.

“This virus has an interaction with the climate, that’s clear”

The transmission of the coronavirus responsible for Covid-19 is no exception to the rule. Already in 2020, at the start of the pandemic, Professor Jean-François Delfraissy, then President of the Covid-19 Scientific Council, explained on RTL that “ce virus has an interaction with the climate, that’s clear. (…) Very good studies from Météo France suggest that there is a correlation with that.” Three years later, scientists confirm it: “It is likely that there will be an increase (in Covid-19 cases, editor’s note) because this rise is directly linked to the fact that climatic conditions favor the circulation of the virusexplained Professor Bruno Lina, virologist, on BFM-TV on November 23. However, don’t panic:We are not going to observe large epidemic waves as we saw previously” he reassured. THE prevention tips to avoid getting sick are always the same: apply barrier gestures. Although they are no longer “obligatory”, they remain recommended because they are effective in reducing the transmission of the Covid-19 virus (and other winter viruses). SO :

on wear a mask in the event of suggestive symptoms (cold, fever, sore throat or cough), in busy places and in the presence of vulnerable people, we wash your hands several times a day with water and soap or with a hydro-alcoholic solution, we regularly ventilate your homeson bureau…
on sneeze into your elbow (rather than in one’s hands), we use a single-use tissue

In addition to barrier gestures, it is important to think regarding vaccination. Since October 29, 2023, the campaign to promote vaccinations once morest flu and Covid-19 was launched. It mainly targets people at risk of serious forms due to their age or risk factors. If in doubt, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

#cold #Covid #start #response #virologists



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