Tips for INFPs on Navigating the Workplace

2023-11-28 13:21:03

I never thought I could write three articles XD because there are so many things to share!

The first two articles were all about other people, but this article will mainly focus on INFP’s own positioning in the workplace.

For INFP, it is best to lie down at home, provided there is a mine at home! (obviously unlikely)

Or you can work remotely from home, or you can try not to have to deal with as many people as possible, which is impossible even if you think about it.

The work environment, including rules, SOP (INFP dislikes SOP the least), colleagues and bosses, are all unchoiceable before joining the job.

The school teaches us basic knowledge, but the workplace requires not only the learning ability and business ability of “doing things”, but also the ability to observe words and get along with each other as a “person”. This course is never taught in school but it is very important.

Especially for INFP, being a person is much more important than doing things. The rate of resignation due to job duties should be smaller than that due to personnel issues.

As an ultra-miniature emotion detector, INFPs are in a workplace environment where interpersonal relationships are not good and the surrounding atmosphere is very oppressive. They will really become depressed and slowly become infected with such negative emotions.

In order to maintain peace, I was very careful when dealing with each other on weekdays, but it consumed too much energy and took more time to recover when I got home.

On the other hand, they face things in the workplace that go against their own values, such as using words to encourage customers to buy more expensive products. This kind of conflict also makes INFPs feel tortured.

This also taught me that there are many “have to” things. If an INFP maintains such a high moral standard, how can it get along with other “ordinary people”?Many times, the operation of workplace affairs has its own set of rules. As long as you don’t break the law, you might as well adapt and you may feel much more comfortable.

When I talk to my colleagues, sometimes I may have a more joking tone, and I will keep replaying it and wondering if the other person hates me for offending him or something.

Many times INFPs themselves know the image of success in the workplace, such as “speaking well”, “offering to help” and “eating lunch with colleagues”, but we just want to be in the air, and our sense of presence should not be too high.

But to others, they think you are aloof from the world and don’t like to participate in small groups.So they don’t know you and your personality at all.If you don’t understand, it’s hard to blame others for accidentally stepping on your bottom line.. You, who is usually gentle and elegant, will not explode, but will resign silently, which only makes people feel inexplicable.

Just like the “future mother” Lifang is a submissive character. Her mother-in-law constantly invades her territory and helps her make arrangements that she “thinks are good for her”. As a result, she can’t stand it and runs away from home. Therefore, it is necessary to get along appropriately with colleagues.

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Some companies’ unwritten rules can only be revealed through chatting with others, otherwise you wouldn’t even know you were stepping on something wrong!

For example, the first salary at work is to buy a colleague a drink. In this way, other colleagues who don’t know you will at least know you better, and they will be closer to you after being treated. I’m not chatting with my colleagues, I won’t tell you this, and I have no stake in them.

Promotions, audits and personnel promotions in the company all require chatting with colleagues to know how to surpass, even some official matters. The more you know about the company, the better you can help you avoid mistakes.

Do you prefer working with familiar people or unfamiliar people? The former is definitely more comfortable. So in order to make yourself comfortable at work, you can still socialize at the right time.

To quote one of my favorite workplace quotes: Being a good person is to do things better.

It is inevitable to make mistakes when doing things, but INFPs don’t think like this. They will criticize themselves harshly, and the boss’s blame will always be replayed in their minds: If I go back to the past, I will not be so or so. But things have already happened, so it is better to take more notes and tell yourself that there is still another chance to perform.

This emphasizes the importance of getting along with your colleagues: because you maintain a good relationship on a daily basis, they will be less harsh on you if you make mistakes, and they will be more understanding and tolerant of your mistakes. Think about it, is it easier to blame a stranger or a friend?

As a mediator, I feel that INFP’s social interaction is not just for themselves, but can also mediate the relationship between colleagues. When there is a conflict, they can play their role to mediate.

The feeling of being needed is the source of motivation for INFP. Let’s encourage everyone.

#INFP #Personality #Colleagues #Part #Square #Vocus

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