Contribution of NGOs and associations to development: 175 billion FCFA invested

2023-11-27 07:47:23

• The strong comeback of the Naam Groups

• In the top 10 contributors in 2021

Lhe report on the contribution of NGOs, Development Associations and Foundations of Burkina Faso 2021 was published in November 2022. Its theme focused on the “Contribution of NGOs/DAs and Foundations to the strengthening of humanitarian action in Burkina Faso: state of places, challenges and perspectives”. The minister in charge of the economy had justified the choice of this theme “by the security crisis facing Burkina Faso, which has led to a deterioration of the humanitarian situation. Its development made it possible to present the sectoral strategies and programs implemented in humanitarian matters, to analyze the contribution of NGOs/DAs and Foundations to assist vulnerable people and support the socio-economic recovery of affected populations in the face of the scale and effects of the humanitarian crisis.

In 2021, Burkina had 370 NGOs/ADs, including 48 national ones. Or 12.97% of the total. Their total financial contribution, in 2021, is 179.61 billion FCFA. It is higher than that of 2020 which was 161.65 billion FCFA. Their investments cover 12 planning sectors (education-training, health, agro-sylvo-pastoral production, environment-water-sanitation, work-employment-social protection, trade and commercial services, infrastructure, transport, communication-housing, industrial transformation and artisanal, administrative and local governance).

The interventions of NGOs/ADs and Foundations covered all 13 regions of Burkina Faso, despite difficult access to certain areas due to the deterioration of the security situation, says the report. However, the contribution, in 2021, of NGOs/ADs and Foundations in favor of humanitarian assistance amounts to 12.63 billion FCFA, or 7.03% of the total amount invested, and concerned all regions of the country and nine (9) planning sectors.

The report also zooms in on the 10 largest contributors in 2021. Indeed, among NGOs and development associations, Compassion International Burkina Faso is in first position, with more than 18 billion FCFA invested.

Note that the first local organization to appear among the top 10 is the National Federation of Naam Groups (FNGN), which comes in 3e position, following the NGOs Compassion International and Save The Children International. According to the report, FNGN invested nearly 7 billion FCFA during the year 2021. Over the last 3 years, this is a leap forward. Indeed, in the report for the year 2019, the FNGN, with 3.34 billion FCFA, was 8e in the top 10 of the biggest contributors. In 2020, the Naam Groups found themselves 7e with a total investment of 5.47 billion FCFA.

Remember that the National Federation of Naam Groups, whose philosophy is “develop without damaging” was created in 1967 by the emblematic Dr Bernard Lédea Ouédraogo. It is present in 11 regions and 1,800 villages. Its areas of intervention are mainly the training of grassroots actors, environmental restoration, agroecology, microfinance, support for women’s income-generating activities, market gardening, advice to family farming, improving food security, literacy, communication, renewable energies, promotion of peace and social cohesion, processing of agricultural products, etc.

Finally, it should be noted that FNGN is one of the largest farmers’ organizations in Burkina, which has already shared its successful experiences in Africa and around the world.



The 10 biggest contributors in 2021

Name of the NGO

Contribution in 2021, in

billion FCFA

Compassion International Burkina Faso


Save the Children International


National Federation of Naam Groups




Doctors Without Borders Switzerland


MSI Reproductive Choices Burkina Faso


Association Schiphra






Qatar Charity


Source: Report “Contribution of NGOs/ADs and Foundations to strengthening humanitarian action in Burkina Faso: current situation, challenges and perspectives” p.74


The purpose of the report, according to the Minister of Finance

«This edition, whose theme is the “Contribution of NGOs/ADs and Foundations to strengthening humanitarian action in Burkina Faso: current situation, challenges and perspectives” highlights

highlighted in a context of great fragility in the country, the humanitarian actions undertaken by NGOs/ADs and Foundations in favor of the affected populations.

The choice of this theme is justified by the security crisis facing Burkina Faso, which has led to a deterioration of the humanitarian situation. Its development made it possible to present the sectoral strategies and programs implemented in humanitarian matters, to analyze the contribution of NGOs/DAs and Foundations to assist vulnerable people and support the socio-economic recovery of affected populations in the face of the scale and effects of the humanitarian crisis.

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