Wisent – The Acceptance. The Sorrow.

2023-11-27 08:00:42

(c) Marco Chryztl

There are record companies that you automatically associate with harder sounds. DevilDuck is definitely not one of them, it is primarily known as a home for indie, folk and alternative records with a great sense of style. That the Leipzig Quartet Bison is a bit surprising, but it’s hard to escape their post-hardcore power. But not only that: „The Acceptance. The Sorrow.“ is the first concept album in the label’s history and at the same time the band’s first complete long player, which aggressively deals with sadness, grief and reflection, and does not shy away from strong tobacco.

What’s going on here is already stated in the title of the opener: “Lullaby To The Lost” advances gracefully and at the same time brokenly. The head is held up convulsively, but the destroyed inner life comes more and more to the surface. Angry blast attacks are repeatedly used as an emotional stylistic device, while the vocals carry an incredible amount of heaviness. “Invincible” takes a more brisk approach, albeit more melodic. Almost punk undertones mix into the chorus, while the source of unrest all around struggles for composure and struggles with mental imbalance. And then it reappears, this anthemic main part, which courageously fights back.

The struggle plays a role in Wisent’s musical work, because even when you strive for acceptance, it doesn’t always work out the way you might imagine. The repeated hesitation and hesitation of “Alone In The Nothingness”, which nevertheless finds otherworldly hints of disguised hope in the midst of deep darkness, fits wonderfully into the picture, seems poisonous and uncomfortable, encounters a silver lining with post-black metal approaches. This is surprising, but is further cultivated in the final “Over The Horizon”. Angry freaking out and bestial self-indulgence fit surprisingly well into the Wisent sound. In comparison, “Martyr” seems relaxing, meditative and yet slightly disturbing with its disguised catchiness.

Constant nervousness surrounds this work with astonishing precision. Nets, double bottoms and explicit world-weariness become instruments of insight where another perspective is missing. You don’t really know how to describe “The Acceptance. The Sorrow.” is intended to capture and process, which in turn fits the topic perfectly. Wisent hits the jackpot, as they do a damn good job of bringing contradictory emotions together and dressing them up in nervous sounds. Post-Hardcore for advanced listeners – sometimes a little more melodic, sometimes rock hard – knows how to inspire. You have to pay attention to these gentlemen in the future.

Rating: 8/10

Available from: December 1st, 2023
Available via: DevilDuck Records (Indigo)

Facebook: www.facebook.com/wisentband

Tags: post-hardcore, review, the acceptance the sorrow, wisent

Category: Magazin, Reviews

#Wisent #Acceptance #Sorrow



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