2023-11-26 21:09:48
Put under pressure, unable to produce a productive offensive game, the Hurlus did not fail to pull themselves together, strongly supported by their supporters. The latter thus celebrated the first rose planted by their colors as a victory. It was Croquet who deceived the vigilance of the excellent Czomas (1-7). The second theme ended with this 1-1 tie, proving the RDM’s ability to compete with an opponent who has professional status.
Halfway through the match, the six goals behind no longer gave rise to the slightest mystery, but, with a view to the return match in Vilnius, the Mouscronnois had to reduce the gap as much as possible. But, if Grman and Labreg each converted a penalty, things started moving forward once more and the goals fell much more easily once more. A disconcerting ease which transformed on the scoreboard: 3-12 at the start of the last quarter.
Naumchyk, with a shot into the top corner, Roussel, with a back shot from his pivotal position, Croquet, with a nice deflection, and Hansen showed that the Lithuanian domain was not inviolable but, opposite, the Efficiency remained there to preserve and even accentuate an advantage (7-17) which gives him every reason to believe in his qualification despite a return duel which will be held in two weeks.
#European #Water #Polo #Cup #beaten #Mouscron #Lithuanian #master