Medical Students and Mental Health: Challenges and Solutions

2023-11-26 13:50:00

The mental health It is the pending subject in the Medicine students. The data says so, because according to a survey of 5,000 of these university students, 41 percent suffered from depressive symptoms and 24 from anxiety. But the students themselves, or alumni, also comment on it. Medical Writing He speaks with a future doctor and two others who have been practicing for decades to find out if this part of their health has suffered at university.

Tessa Parrilla She has only been in her dream career for a few months, but she has already resented her mental healthespecially the self-esteem, with his first exam. “You feel a little insufficient because all your effort is not reflected at all,” she explains, despite having passed the first test.

In addition, he has noticed a big change compared to his previous student stages: before he had outstanding grades and now he feels “mediocre.” During these weeks it has been suggested that due to syllabus density what lies ahead, it is necessary study daily and “with organization”, but that can still have life outside the doors of the university or the library.

Maria Grande Aguerri, a family doctor at the General University Hospital of Villalba and at the Villa del Prado Health Center and who completed her degree almost twenty years ago, also remembers that great change that arriving at the university meant and that entailed some suspense than another in first. “I found it very hard and very demanding, with a lot of competition among colleagues,” she says. Like Parrilla, she remembers how her self-esteem suffered.

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María Grande Aguerri, family doctor at the Villalba General University Hospital and the Villa del Prado Health Center.

Mental pathologies, more prevalent in these students

Furthermore, the doctor considers that medical students are more likely than others to suffer from mental pathologies. But to argue it, it makes a difference between the two career cycles. “It’s not exactly the same,” he details. Yes in first cycle, from first to third, this can be related more to the anxiety produced by the requirement and competitiveness of the career, for the second it focuses on dealing with the patient. “In the years in which I studied there was no type of course on how to give bad newshow to face a difficult patient, how to talk regarding death… Nobody prepares you to see suffering,” he says. But the thing is that neither did he delve into the future doctor’s management of making these types of announcements or how to take care of the mental health.

Guadalupe Blay, a family doctor at the Aragonese Institute of Social Services (IASS), remembers her university time as “very exciting”, with the typical nerves before the exams, but “without any type of anxiety.” However, she agrees with Grande Aguerri that they are more prone to this type of pathology, since she knows it firsthand from people close to her. “He requirement level It is so big that any setback for them is managed poorly and they really have a hard time.” That demand comes from society, but also from themselves.

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Guadalupe Blay, Family doctor at the Aragonese Institute of Social Services (IASS).

How might students be prepared for a profession that carries a significant psychological burden? The specialist focuses on two points. The first is the motivation to make it “vocational.” “You have to be clear that you want to be a doctor and know the effort it entails and not do the degree because you have gotten very good grades. When you do it with a vocation because you like it, you face it with enthusiasm,” he details.

But also, it would be convenient prepare these students so that, if they fail or lower their grade, they know that nothing happens “because the profession goes from within,” he defends. For this reason, he proposes a series of talks at the beginning of the race in which things that can happen and that “nothing happens” are explained.

Telematic Psychological Support Service for Medical Students

Within the framework of the XV Edition of Medical Education Congressheld in the month of September, the Telematic Psychological Support Service for Medical Students (sapem), promoted by the Foundation for Social Protection of the Collegiate Medical Organization (Fpsomc), the State Council of Medical Students (CEEM) and the Fundación Mutual Médica (FMM), and with the collaborating entity the Galatea Foundation (FG). Since it was launched, more than 170 students They have made use of it.

With it, it provides psychoemotional attentionl, for those who request professional help through a telematic platform, which may be by videoconference or by telephone with mental health professionals and in a “completely anonymous” manner.

Jose Manuel Cucalon, a doctor at the Villamayor de Gállego Health Center, remembers that the Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC) takes into account the illnesses of doctors. Proof of this is the Sick Doctor Care Program (Paime) which has been in operation for more than three decades, and also treats mental health pathologies.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a healthcare professional.

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