O2Jam Online Service Termination: Overwhelmingly Negative Reviews and Plans for Future Revival

2023-11-26 07:27:57
O2Jam Online, which received ‘overwhelmingly negative’ reviews following its revival on Steam, eventually ended its service. Baloff, which develops and services O2Jam Online, announced the termination of service through the official Steam page on the 23rd. The server and store closed at 3pm on the 24th domestic time, and refunds for paid items will be processed for 2-3 weeks. In a service termination notice, Baloff said, “We have taken all feedback to heart and have worked tirelessly to provide the O2Jam that users want.” O2Jam Online, which was released on Steam on January 17th of this year, is a revival of the nostalgic rhythm game. It attracted attention, but various problems were pointed out from the beginning and negative evaluations continued. In addition to opinions that there was a lack of improvements from the existing version, there were also comments that even though it is a rhythm game, it does not support the sound setting function and is difficult to play because it is out of sync. The fact that music purchases are also free and must be used through a monthly subscription system rather than DLC was also cited as a disappointing point. O2Jam’s online user rating on Steam was ‘overwhelmingly negative (only 18% positive)’ with 1,856 reviews. If we look at the November evaluation separately, the number of reviews was only 20, which were ‘generally negative (only 35% were positive).’ Even though the service has continued for regarding 10 months, it can be seen that no significant improvement has been achieved. However, the production team added that the termination of this service is not a complete end. In a notice, Baloff said, “We will conduct a comprehensive overhaul over the next few months to return to the better O2Jam that you all know and love.” If the overall service is to be re-produced and resumed, the key question is whether it can show improvements compared to before.
#O2Jam #Online #received #harsh #reviews #Steam #submitted #completing #year



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