The Resilience of Cryptocurrency Markets: A Look at the Future and Potential Legitimacy

2023-11-25 13:53:00

par Dominique Dewitte
published on Saturday November 25, 2023 at 2:53 p.m. •
4 min reading

2023 will go down in history as the year when two major crypto bosses, Sam Bankman-Fried (FTX) and Changpeng “CZ” Zhao (Binance), fell from their pedestals. But following a year of crashes and bankruptcies, crypto investors continue to believe in a recovery.

Why is this important?

Few industries would survive a series of scandals like those that have hit cryptocurrency markets in recent years. But their current dynamic illustrates an intriguing paradox: despite headwinds and significant skepticism, investors continue to believe in a recovery. This optimism proves the resilience and unpredictability of the crypto world, with potentially major consequences for the financial sector.

Soon more legitimacy for the crypto industry?

In the news: Despite the recent collapse of major cryptocurrencies and NFTs, as well as the arrest of key industry figures, a core group of investors remains optimistic regarding the future.

A hope reinforced by signals that traditional financial institutions might confer greater legitimacy to the sector.

+123% in one year, despite a series

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