MW3 players demand removal of weapon that ‘ruins games’

2023-11-25 10:34:18
Cyril Pomathiod

❘ Published: 2023-11-25T10:16:21 ❘ Updated: 2023-11-25T10:16:27

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 fans call for Riot Shield to be removed, saying it’s too much “cheesy” and capable of “ruin parts”.

Since its release on November 10, 2023, Modern Warfare 3 has quickly established itself as one of the best versions of Call of Duty multiplayer in recent years… at least in the eyes of a good portion of players, since even the multiplayer is decried by a section of the community.

Among the admirable features of MW3, we find a convincing overhaul of mobility, but also the ambitious choice to integrate all the weapons of MW2 into this new opus, bringing the arsenal to no less than 115 weapons.

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Naturally, not all of these weapons enjoy the same popularity or reputation. While many players are delighted to see the return of their favorite assault rifle or submachine gun, there is one weapon like no other that – according to players – would have been better off missing the transition between MW2 and MW3.

The Riot Shield is already annoying MW3 players

A post on the Warfare 3 subreddit on Reddit states convincingly: “The Riot Shield should not have been brought back”.

The author of the post then explains his point: “It’s an easy-to-use primary weapon with few drawbacks and more effective than you might think. Blocking bullets seems simple on paper, but when you combine that with quick use of deadly equipment and the fact that there’s no other way to counter it other than throwing grenades or trying to get around it with little success, it’s too powerful as it is.”

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To finish his argument, the author even proposed some solutions to definitively resolve the problem: “removing it is the main option because it’s way too easy to use to stay in the game.” Alternatively, the author suggests that having them as a field upgrade or killstreak might solve a lot of problems.

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In just a few hours, the post received hundreds of upvotes and comments, demonstrating real community interest in the Riot Shield issue:

“I think the best solution for the riot shield would be to have it fold up when not in use.”suggests a player.

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Another shared his recent experience playing Search and Destroy, writing: “I played several games of S&D last night with 4+ people on the other team using a Shield, it ruined the game.”

However, the famous Riot Shield clearly does not make all players panic, especially on Modern Warfare 3 where it seems less dominant than it was:

“Is this seriously a problem for you?” writes a player. “It’s never been easier to counter. You keep crying over the smallest things, and I’ve had enough. Just get good at the game instead of crying on this platform.”

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As always, the most exotic weapons polarize opinions, and the Riot Shield is no exception to the rule, in Modern Warfare 3 as in previous CoD opuses.

#MW3 #players #demand #removal #weapon #ruins #games



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