Joint Resistance Strategy Meeting at ATE Nacional: Prioritizing Unity for State Job Defense

2023-11-24 20:31:04

We managed to hold a first working meeting at ATE Nacional with the Secretary General. Rodolfo Aguiar and the Deputy Secretary, Mercedes Cabezas. At the meeting we diagnosed the situation of the State in order to propose a common resistance strategy, both in public policies that guarantee rights and in relation to stability and wages.

It’s not just a photo. It is the expression of a joint will. It is not easy and it is not immediate, but we understand that it is the way. We greatly appreciate that the new national leadership of our organization can prioritize this search.

We are convinced that only in unity will we be able to defend each of the state jobs. Nothing has to distract us from that objective.

#ATE #Capital #Unity #rhetorical #exercise #eminently #practical #construction



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