Brown University Jewish Students Call for Divestment from Israeli Companies: The Fight for Ceasefire in Rhode Island

2023-11-24 10:53:00

RHODE ISLAND: Jewish students from Juice for Seafire Now (JFCN) at Brown University in the US have called for the university to withdraw investment from Israeli companies and join the call for a ceasefire.

The students staged a five-hour long sit-in in front of the university president Christina Pax’s office to voice their demands.

When the office closed, the authorities asked the students to disperse, but the students refused. The authorities then called the police.

Police arrested 20 Jewish students for trespassing.

It is not clear whether the university will take action once morest the students for trespassing in the November 8 incident. Meanwhile, the students say that their work was absolutely necessary.

The students alleged that the university, which claims to be a bastion of liberal values, had unmasked and exposed the extent of anti-Palestinian sentiment.

The students said that atrocities are being committed once morest Palestinian students in the university and the university is not taking any action.

Content Highlight: Jewish students say they won’t be silenced by Brown University

#university #withdraw #investments #Israeli #companies #Jewish #students #strike



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