Mastering Personal Finances: Tips from Money and You Author, Marc Blais

2023-11-23 23:43:36

Faced with the current economic context, one of the main sources of anxiety among Quebecers remains the management of personal finances. Why do some people have more difficulty managing their personal finances than others?

The author of the book “Money and you”, Marc Blais answers these questions in an interview on the TV show À vosaffaires.

University degree in management or not, everyone can have difficulty managing their personal finances, he notes. “20 to 25% of people have trouble managing their personal finances. They experience stress that goes as far as panic when it comes to money,” explains Mr. Blais.

Humans tend to let their emotions get carried away before taking control of themselves. “Humans and their baggage of negative beliefs mean that they are unable to concentrate on what needs to be done to manage finances well,” he insists.

The importance of letting go of guilt

We need to take the blame out of our finances and then allow ourselves to take action.

The book “Money and You” allows the journey “to free oneself from the pressure of not liking money and to mastering this money,” specifies Mr. Blais.

Know our goals

Indeed, humans undergo different transitions and stages throughout their lives that change the management of their personal finances, moving from early adulthood to retirement. “Each stage of life represents different challenges,” notes Mr. Blais.

To successfully manage personal finances, it is important to know your goals and take stock. Ask yourself the following questions: “What do I want to do with my money? Am I using it in the right way to achieve my goals?”, specifies the author.

Also, the importance of becoming “aware, of questioning yourself, of reanalyzing your life” before taking action.

Faced with a constantly increasing cost of living, Mr. Blais insists on the need to adapt and adjust to interest rates, even if it does not seem “pleasant to pay and it does not make you more happy,” he says.

For more information, see the full interview above

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