Geert Wilders appears difficult to get around

2023-11-23 20:36:07

The leader of the Dutch far right has said he is ready to take the post of Prime Minister. The other parties are cautious, even reluctant.

The liberal party VVD hoped, with Dilan Yesilgözof Kurdish origin, bring the first woman at the head of the government of the Netherlands. It missed. The socialist-ecologist left (GroenLinks and PvdA) thought with Frans Timmermans, former European commissioner, to be in a good position to regain the post of Prime Minister which has eluded him since 2002, when Wim Kok threw in the towel. Also failed. And the NSC of Pieter Omtzigt thought he would achieve the feat of being the first beginner party to reach the supreme office. Failed once more.



Defeating the polls, Geert Wilders’ PVV won 37 seats in the Lower House, compared to 17 in 2021.

Yet, all these scenarios were initially perfectly possible. Except that today, a man has outdone them all: Geert Wilders. The leader of the populist right assured his party, the PVV, 37 seats out of 150 in the Lower House, i.e. more than double compared to the 17 seats in 2021. Wilders admitted to being the first surprised by this score which once once more, the polls did not see coming. This success, which the Dutch press described as a “political earthquake” and a “tidal wave”, does not, however, what to confirm the good performance of anti-immigration parties in many European countries.

The other winner is the NSC which, starting from nothing, offers itself 20 seats. Former leading figure of the Christian Democratic CDA party, Pieter Omtzigt had precipitated the fall of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte (VVD) and campaigned on a center-left socio-economic program and a stricter migration policylike the Danish model.

The left of Frans Timmermans has also progressed, going from 18 to 25 seats, but not enough to make itself unavoidable. Timmermans did not hide his disappointment and affirmed that he wanted to continue his fight “for democratic values”.

Dilan Yesilgöz admitted not having listened sufficiently to “the real concerns of the population”.

Yesilgöz’s blunder

More the biggest setback is that of the outgoing Prime Minister’s VVDwhich lost 10 seats and regressed, with 24 seats, to the rank of third political party in the country. Dilan Yesilgöz admitted not having listened sufficiently to “the real concerns of the population”.

Some have accused Yesilgöz of being responsible for Wilders’ victory following a statement made on August 18 where she did not rule out possible collaboration with the extreme right. Having received the message five out of five, Wilders then took care to smooth out his speech, especially in relation to Islam. This might have led to the belief that the sanitary cordon around the PVV had been broken.

As soon as his victory was made official, Wilders made it known that he “strongly wishes to become Prime Minister of the Netherlands”, calling on other parties to work with him to form a coalition. Dilan Yesilgöz was more cautious this time and did not answer the call. For Frans Timmermans, on the other hand, coming to power with Wilders “is not an option”.

“We will not take unconstitutional action.”

Geert Wilders

President of the PVV

Two scenarios

Two scenarios emerge in the eyes of observers. Either a monster coalition of traditional parties to block Wilders, a right-wing government comprising Wilders, the VVD and the NSC. “We will not talk regarding Islam or mosques and we will not take unconstitutional measures” Wilders immediately assured.

It would nevertheless remain many programmatic obstacles to overcome to form a right-hand coupling. Because Wilders rejects the European Union, he wants to end support for Ukraine and he wants to restore national borders. On the other hand, a consensus seems much more affordable on limiting immigration.

Remember that it took Mark Rutte 9 months to form his last government. An “explorer” should in principle be designated this Friday by the first party, the PVV therefore, to probe the intentions of the other parties.

Worried businesses

The triumph of the far right did not lead to major movements on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange on Thursday. At the opening of the session on Thursday, the flagship AEX index barely moved and the Dutch ten-year rates also changed little.

On the other hand, some economic decision-makers have already expressed some concern. Among the Dutch giants ASML (semiconductors) and Royal Philips (electronics), there are fears of possible restrictions on the recruitment of foreign workers. “Any restrictions on highly skilled labor or international students are undesirable for our industry,” said ASML spokesperson Monique Mols.

Of the demonstrations are also announced this Friday in several cities in the Netherlands at the initiative of associations and left-wing organizations.

The summary

  • Building on his triumph, Geert Wilders said to himself ready to take on the post of Prime Minister.
  • Two scenarios emerge: either a broad anti-Wilders coalition, or a right-wing coalition with Wilders.
  • And “Explorer” should in principle be appointed this Friday.
  • Some large Dutch companies are concerned regarding possible restrictions for foreign labor mobility.

#Geert #Wilders #appears #difficult



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