‘Women Leaders’ was held, a new Corporate Agenda event of Grupo Perfil

2023-11-23 18:30:00

Education Profile presented the new event titled “Women Leaders“, within the framework of the Corporate Agenda organized by the Perfil Group. The meeting had a special program format, which was broadcast live on Perfil.com and will have extensive coverage in Diario Perfil and Noticias magazine. It will also be televised on the Net channel.

“Mujeres Líderes” will be carried out thanks to the support of CAME and OSDE.

Opened the program Alejandra Galloeconomic journalist from PROFILE and introduced Laura Terueldirector Women Entrepreneurs from Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises (MECAME) next to Ana Romanellisenior manager of the organization Pro Mujer, to highlight the role of women in the private sector and analyze the latest reports on the gender gap in Latin AmericaGallo then introduced Eva Saccoeconomist specialized in gender and director of the consulting firm AnData and finally to Daiana Gomez Banegasdirector of Women in Bitcoin.

Women Leaders of the Corporate Agenda delved into a core topic, which has to do with the challenges that arise for the next few days in the private sector and has to do with the role that women have in the private sector. It has been demonstrated in absolutely all surveys carried out internationally that an interdisciplinary team, that is, where there is gender diversity, plurality of opinions and life choices, means that companies have better turnover and better results when it comes to time. to carry out their business. How are we in Argentina regarding this issue.

Women Leaders
Ana Romanelli from Pro Mujer with Laura Teruel from MECAME.

In the first block, the director of CAME Business Women, Laura Teruel, delved into female leadership within the confederation and commented: “The Argentine Confederation of medium-sized businesses has been leading in this work, especially in the participation of women, both in companies and institutions. Came was disruptive and created the sector 15 years ago. Women Entrepreneurs When at that time talking regarding a businesswoman being in decision-making positions, both in companies and not to mention organizations, was almost impossible. Those photos were all male and a woman found us. Came ago For 15 years she led with this, creating the space for Women Entrepreneurs and today three years ago it was even more in this challenge and that women are in the decision-making place in the institutions, today there are many of us in CAME Women Directors who occupy a place on the Board of Directors and that we are also in the different sectors of CAME, the confederation has been carrying out very important work for the participation of women.

In addition, Teruel commented on the surveys and measurements it carries out MECAME: “The index MUTE which is the one that measures women’s participation in SMEs, has been taken for four years. The last index for this 2023 gave us that there is a growth of 7.4% in participation of at least one woman in decision-making in SMEs. This index is very varied in terms of items. The most traditional areas of participation are commerce. There is great leadership of women in decision-making in commerce, other sectors and several SMEs, for example, what is this cosmetic textile industry, there are many areas that grew a lot. Non-traditional items are the ones that cost the most and are slowest. In my case it is difficult for me to say this, because I am a leader in a highly masculinized sector such as long-distance passenger transport, so it is difficult for me but I do know that there are very few of us and that it is also difficult to get there.”

Women Leaders
Ana Romanelli, senior manager of Pro Mujer.

From Pro Womentogether with the senior manager Ana Romanelli, commented, among other axes, how the dynamics can be focused from motorization and the incentive for women to become entrepreneurs. “Pro Mujer is a social company that works with a holistic model. We offer education, access to credit and health to these women because we believe in the power of an educated woman with access to health and with access to the investment necessary to grow her entrepreneurship and to also work on their leadership skills,” commented Romanelli, who also added: “There are interesting data in Argentina in terms of the wage gap since it is 28% between a woman and a man. In Latin America we talk regarding 20%. From the informal sectors we speak of 34%. There are improvements, there are laws that are emerging, there are business policies but the work of the organizations that are acting to reduce the gender gap is super important.”

In the second block, Alejandra Gallo presented Eva Sacco and Daiana Gómez Banegas, who from their specialty spoke, among other main focuses of the special, how they see the challenges that arise for all women. In the case of bitcoins, being an area closely associated with the masculine and from economic gender issues, the compatibility between care tasks and professional challenges.

The view of the specialists:

Women Leaders
Alejandra Gallo with Daiana Gómez Banegas and Eva Sacco.

Eva Saccoeconomist specialized in gender and director of the consulting firm AnData commented: “Women carry out the greatest number of hours of care. Not only does it have to do with childcare, but it also has to do with the general life care that falls on us. This means that we can work fewer hours , means that we can be less present in many cases, but there is also another issue that has to do with certain tasks, which are very feminized and which are tasks, that when women go out into the labor market we work replicating that idea of ​​’woman caregiver’ “Education, health, domestic work, are some of the lowest paid professions in the entire economic system, but all these tasks are very feminized and are associated with care. This also explains this issue of the wage gap.”

Women Leaders
Daiana Gómez Banegas, director of Women in Bitcoin.

Daiana Gomez Banegasdirector of Women in Bitcoin commented on her experience in the Bitcoin world: “Bitcoin is a recent technology, 15 years old or so, and I landed in the industry 7 or 8 years ago. I remember my first steps. I was the only woman in an entire building. O We were two women in the Bitcoin NGO in Argentina but we had the right to speak, not to vote, because we were substitutes. From then on a lot of time has passed, but the awakening itself of saying ‘this is not right, it is not normal’ If I go to all the places, and I give a graphic and a little ridiculous, but real example. If I go everywhere and there is a line of women to enter the bathroom and I am here, it is not good. Congress following Congress, conference per conference we were missing from the decision table”.

Many women feel that there are difficulties in combining their professional roles with care tasks, for example, and this is often a brake on their upward career path within corporations. On the other hand, there is a second glass ceiling that has to do with many difficulties that arise when it comes to women leaders occupying leadership positions and making decisions within companies. Not only from the private sector, but also from NGOs and the public sector. Regarding these axes, we summoned four experts on the subject who specialize in these gender policies.

For more women in decision-making positions

Women Leaders
Laura Teruel, MECAME.

By Laura Teruel. Director of CAME Business Women (MECAME)

The Indicator of Women’s Participation in SMEs (IPAMUP), prepared every year by the Business Women sector of the Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises (MECAME), measures the participation of women in the ownership of SMEs, but also in decision-making positions.

The last measurement determined that 50.3% of small and medium-sized companies in Argentina are led by a woman or a woman and a man. This percentage implied a growth of 7.4 points compared to the previous year (42.9%) in the leadership that we businesswomen assume.

At MECAME we work to increase this index every year, with sustained growth in female representation, both in SMEs and in business union institutions. CAME is a pioneer in this discussion, since 15 years ago it created this space for debate and generation of policies promoted by and for women.

At that time, talking regarding us having to be in decision-making positions was utopian. During all this time we managed to make visible many of the difficulties we face every day. From now on we must face the challenge of achieving autonomy and equality through the design and management of projects or actions that provide us with true opportunities for economic development.

Relive the event here:

The objective of Corporate Agenda is to hold meetings to bring together the main political, corporate and specialist figures with the best journalistic team of the Perfil Group to inspire, exchange and generate commitments around the challenges that Argentina will face in each area. The initiative will touch on vitally important topics such as the future of banks and fintech, the future of lithium, the agricultural sector, the future of Vaca Muerta, the glass ceiling, among others.

“Mujeres Líderes” was carried out thanks to the support of CAME and OSDE.

#Women #Leaders #held #Corporate #Agenda #event #Grupo #Perfil



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