FPÖ – Ries: “Eliminate disadvantages during papa month!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-11-23 13:53:16

Military service, assistance assignments and community service must no longer lead to the loss of the legal right to papa month

Vienna (OTS) “Anyone who wants to take advantage of daddy month must be continuously employed for 182 days before the birth of the child. The interruption of employment may not be longer than fourteen days. Community service and military service are legally treated as if you were unemployed – the right to father’s month is lost. This is a gross disadvantage that has existed for regarding two years and that must finally be ended,” emphasized FPÖ National Council member Christian Ries today and submitted a corresponding motion.

It is in no way understandable that the performance of military or community service is considered non-employment and that therefore, for example, militia members who are refused father’s month due to partial mobilization for military service, a three-month Corona assistance mission, is in no way understandable: “So why does the government have nothing for two years undertaken to remedy this injustice. The ÖVP likes to call itself a family party. And to the Greens: I suspect that a number of members of parliament were civilian servants – so why isn’t this remedied? “No legal problem is so complicated that it cannot be solved within two years – you just have to want to,” explained Ries.

The liberal MP, a civilian police officer, has already been a member of three investigative committees: “I can’t help but say a few words regarding the matter: Taking someone in without their knowledge is illegal, as National Council President Sobotka has emphasized. But it is also presumably illegal what the now deceased former justice section chief Pilnacek is talking regarding, namely the attempted provision on abuse of office by the ÖVP National Council President. This recording is undoubtedly authentic and Pilnacek’s statements are credible. Because what reason would he have for lying? None! In any case, his statements are definitely more authentic than when a finance minister bursting with youth cannot remember 86 times in the U-Committee. The ‘interventionitis’ mentioned in this recording is definitely more authentic, more credible and comprehensible for the ‘trained Austrian’ than the ÖVP’s line of defense, which has already been refuted.”

As for the investigative commission announced by the Green Minister Zadic, Ries explained that it was just a placebo: “Camouflage, tricks and pretenses are to be feared. If you want to seriously investigate criminal allegations, the StPO provides the right ‘tool’ and the prosecution authorities have to deal with it.”

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Freedom Parliamentary Club
01/ 40 110 – 7012
press-parliamentary club@fpoe.at

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