Risks of Frequent Drinking at the End of the Year: Impact on Body and Mental Health

2023-11-23 00:43:27

Be careful regarding frequent drinking at the end of the year as it can raise red flags not only for your body but also for your mental health (Photo = Clip Art Korea)

“We should get together and have a drink before the end of the year~” As the end of the year approaches, various drinking parties to reminisce regarding the past year are increasing. However, if you continue to drink excessively during frequent drinking parties, a red light may turn on not only in your body but also in your mind, so you must be careful.

■Brain… Beware of ‘alcoholic dementia’

It is a well-known fact that excessive drinking is harmful to health. In particular, if you drink alcohol for a long time, alcohol can damage brain cells and cause alcoholic dementia.

The representative symptom of alcoholic dementia is the blackout phenomenon, commonly expressed as ‘film breaks’.am. This phenomenon If repeated over a long period of time, it can seriously damage the brain and lead to dementia.. In the beginning, it is difficult to remember recent events, and as it progresses, daily life becomes more difficult. The frontal lobe of the brain controls emotions and impulses and is damaged by alcohol. Personality may become violent do.

Professor Kim Hee-jin of the Department of Neurology at Hanyang University Hospital said, “Acute alcoholic dementia can be recovered by immediately quitting drinking, but once brain cells are damaged, it is difficult to recover.”Abstaining from alcohol is the most desirable preventive measure, but if this is difficult, you should drink water frequently and refrain from smoking. “I do it,” he said. Following “You should abstain from drinking alcohol within 3 days on an empty stomach, lack of sleep, when feeling unwell, or following drinking too much. “Do it,” he urged.

■Heart… Beware of ‘alcoholic cardiomyopathy’

Some people enjoy drinking, saying that drinking in moderation is good for cardiovascular disease. Some of it is true. Research has shown that drinking in moderate amounts can only have a positive effect on cardiovascular disease (coronary artery disease). Professor Lee Sang-cheol of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Samsung Seoul Hospital said, “This study result is not wrong, but in reality, it is not easy to drink only a certain amount,” and pointed out, “It may be helpful for cardiovascular diseases, but it does not apply to other heart diseases.”

Alcoholic cardiomyopathy occurs when you drink too much on a regular basis, causing problems in the heart muscle due to alcohol toxicity.This may appear. The risk of atrial fibrillation, an arrhythmia, increases by more than five times, and the risk of developing liver disease, brain disease, and some cancers also increases.I order it. Some studies have shown that if your face turns red when you drink alcohol, you are more likely to develop heart problems. Professor Lee Sang-cheol, who participated in this study, said, “The evidence that moderate drinking is good for cardiovascular disease is very limited,” and advised, “Alcohol can never be medicine, and excessive drinking should be avoided at all costs.”

■Liver… Beware of ‘alcoholic liver disease’

Alcoholic liver disease is one of the most common diseases caused by excessive drinking. If you drink alcohol frequently, fat accumulates in the liver and interferes with normal energy metabolism, which can lead to fatty liver disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer.

Professor Jihoon Kim (Division of Gastroenterology), Liver Center, Korea University Guro Hospital, said,As the liver is called a silent organ, it does not show any symptoms until jaundice or ascites appear.“He explained, “We must be careful because many chronic drinkers are not aware of this and often visit hospitals only following the disease has progressed for a long time.”

Alcoholic fatty liver disease can be completely cured if you quit drinking. Even if alcoholic hepatitis or liver cirrhosis has progressed, it will improve if you abstain from drinking and provide sufficient nutrients and vitamins. However, if complications such as ascites, varicose bleeding, or loss of consciousness due to decreased liver function occur, medication or endoscopic treatment must be administered.

Professor Jihoon Kim said, “If it is difficult to refuse drinking, it is recommended that women drink only 1 glass of soju and men drink 4 glasses of soju no more than twice a week.” and “More than anything, If you drink alcohol, you should abstain for at least 3 days. “Do it,” he advised.

■Legs… Beware of ‘gout’

Gout is a disease in which excessive accumulation of uric acid in the blood accumulates in joints or other tissues, causing inflammation.am. Most uric acid is excreted through urine, but if it cannot be excreted properly due to a genetic mutation or if you eat too much food with high purine content (alcohol, animal intestines, blue fish, red meat, high-fructose corn syrup, etc.), it accumulates in the body, forming crystals and forming in the joints. It builds up and causes inflammation.

Gout is also called an acute gout attack due to the sudden onset of pain. It usually occurs in the feet, which have a relatively low body temperature and are constantly exposed to physical stimulation, but can occur in any joint.

Professor Ha Yu-jeong of the Department of Rheumatology at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital said, “Gout is mainly treated with medication, but improving lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise is important,” adding, “Especially, Alcohol itself can inhibit uric acid excretion, so you should not drink alcohol. “We do it,” he emphasized.

■Spirit… Beware of ‘alcohol addiction’

According to the ‘2022 Alcohol Statistics Data Collection’, the annual drinking rate of adults over 19 years old reached 78.1% in 2020. Alcoholism is called alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, etc., but the exact name of the disease is alcohol use disorderam. A state in which drinking causes physical, mental, and social disabilities and causes problems at home, work, and interpersonal relationships, but the ability to control drinking is lost.says

According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the number of alcoholics in Korea increased from 1,505,390 in 2018 to 1,526,841 in 2020, but the number of patients treated decreased from 71,719 in 2018 to 64,765 in 2020. Experts attribute this to the fact that the patient does not believe that he or she is addicted to alcohol.

Professor Cho Seo-eun of the Department of Psychiatry at Gachon University Gil Hospital said,The beginning of alcohol addiction treatment is recognizing that you are addicted and being aware of it.“He pointed out. He continued, “For treatment, ▲Intervention to maximize motivation ▲Detoxification to stabilize the physical and mental state and help with long-term treatment ▲Rehabilitation to help people re-adapt to daily life and prevent recurrence 3 stages are required.“Do it,” he said.People around the patient should listen to the patient with empathy rather than unconditional persuasion and give hope for change through encouragement. “Do it,” he urged.

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