Tractor Accidents in Flanders: Destruction and Recovery Stories

2023-11-22 18:09:07

As we told you two weeks ago, several accidents involving tractors took place in Flanders, sometimes with very significant material consequences. On Monday, November 6, a tractor crashed impressively into a Flemish village, in Zonnebeke, demolishing a large part of the facade of the house.

Read also Impressive accident this morning: a tractor smashes the facade of a house and causes a collapse, considerable damage

The owners of this house are Marc Benaerts (58 years old) and Sabine de Graeve (57 years old). This is the second time that this unfortunate couple has seen their house damaged by a disaster. 20 years earlier, they had already experienced a serious fire which destroyed their house. This time, a tractor completely tore off a large part of the facade, leaving the interior of the house visible.

Marc told Gazet Van Antwerpen that he was very afraid for his wife’s life: “We were both at home, as well as our little dogs Sloeber and Samtje. My wife was sitting in the seat where the tractor plowed into the house, and just before the collision she sat at a table a few feet away. She had the natural reaction to jump, which miraculously left her unharmed. »

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The man said he was very scared when he heard the glass in his window shattering. His dogs then jumped into his arms. After the thick cloud of smoke dissipated, the man in his sixties was able to see this tractor… in his living room! The couple is very lucky not to have been injured in this accident but the material damage remains considerable.

Marc and Sabine now lack furniture and wholeheartedly hope to find a rental house that will accommodate their dogs. They are temporarily living with an aunt of the family who is very worried: “I want them to already have time to make a new start. They may miss out on additional stress caused by money worries. You also notice that they have difficulty talking regarding it. They are mentally broken. »

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