Who Should Avoid Coffee? Tips from a Nutritionist for Healthier Habits

2023-11-22 16:30:00

In many cases, drinking coffee is not recommended and can have undesirable effects on health.

For some people, a cup of coffee is the best way to start the day. This ritual then allows us to have maximum energy. Yet it can also be bad for some people. For example, this drink, as delicious as it is, can disrupt sleep and cause anxiety. Caffeine can also increase heart risk in some people. Which ones would be better off without? A nutritionist’s answer.

Who should refrain from drinking coffee?

Pregnant women

According to nutritionist Raphaël Gruman, interviewed by our colleagues at Doctissimo, many types of people should give up on coffee. This primarily concerns pregnant women. “As the doses communicated to the fetus are poorly evaluated (caffeine passes into the amniotic fluid) we advise future mothers not to drink too large doses of coffee”explains the expert.

People suffering from insomnia

Advice that is also valid for people prone to insomnia, because “coffee keeps them alert”. According to an American study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine in 2013, coffee might act on the body for 6 hours. This duration varies depending on individuals and their habits. However, we can assume that it is better to avoid drinking coffee following 4 p.m., if you do not want to have difficulty falling asleep.

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People who have panic attacks

According to the nutritionist, these people should also avoid coffee. “Caffeine can cause tachycardia attacks, especially in people who are already anxious. It actually accentuates this mechanism”he warns.

People who have a slow metabolism

As a reminder, people with slow metabolism store more calories than they burn. Their body also produces less energy. “Coffee tends to slow down the metabolization of coffee by the liver. It’s really the organ that will be most stressed when drinking coffee”explains the nutrition expert.

Which people should moderate their consumption?

For other people, it is advisable to moderate their consumption. This then applies to those who suffer from liver diseases, hypertension, psychiatric illnesses, urinary and fecal incontinence or even ulcers. For these individuals, “the metabolism of caffeine is slowed down and its undesirable effects are increased”specifies ANSES in a press release.

What is the recommended dose per day?

According to the European Food Safety Authority, “individual doses of caffeine up to 200 mg – approximately 3 mg per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg bw) – from all sources do not raise a safety concern for a healthy adult population”. However, it specifies that individual doses exceeding 100 mg (approximately 1.4 mg/kg bw) can affect the sleep of certain adults. According to her, caffeine intake should not exceed 400 mg per day. Otherwise, you can also opt for caffeine-free drinks.

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