Defend Guayana Esequiba: Venezuelan Sovereignty and Resources

2023-11-22 15:31:03

Next December 3rd we will do an unprecedented exercise of sovereignty. We Venezuelans will vote to defend Guayana Esequiba and the resources that belong to us and that they want to take from us, illegally.

The Cooperative Republic of Guyana granted concessions unilaterally, repeatedly violating the Geneva Agreement of 1966. The large amount of natural resources that our Essequibo has are being exploited by American corporations, such as Exxon Mobile, supported by the Guyanese government. This oil company, arbitrarily authorized by President Irfaan Ali, undertakes drilling work in waters claimed by Venezuela, following the discovery in 2015. In addition, this American company intends to begin, at the end of 2023, the extraction of crude oil. At the same time, it has announced that a new, more expansive phase would begin in 2025. Likewise, Guyana Esequiba has resources such as diamond, gold, bauxite, manganese, coltan, cobalt, uranium, silicon, among others, which are also of American interest. Hence, in recent years, the Guyanese government has also illegally allowed Canadian companies to extract gold and several of these minerals. The wealth of the Essequibo forests is also used by the carbon credit market that works under the payment-for-profit method and consists of those companies that emit greenhouse gases, hiring different firms to develop “ environmental projects” in areas like our Essequibo. It is worth mentioning that this Venezuelan territory has hydrological reserves that consist of mighty rivers with potential for the construction of hydroelectric plants; as well as important forest reserves that the Guyanese government intends to exploit, disrespecting biodiversity.

President Nicolás Maduro is pointing in the right direction, calling on the Venezuelan people to participate massively in the consultative referendum; which is an unprecedented opportunity to stop the looting, exercise our sovereignty and advance in containing imperialist attempts to take away part of our territory. The people must know that the Paris Arbitration Award of 1899 is absolutely illegal, and is just an example that imperialism, in all its eras, has always been behind the injustices perpetrated once morest free peoples. In Venezuela we will not allow it. The Essequibo belongs to us!

Lawyer and politician

#Exercise #sovereignty #Latest #News



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