Colombia’s New Digital ID: Advantages, Implementation, and Challenges

2023-11-21 18:07:04

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With the digital ID, Colombians will have a personal folder with information such as driving licenses and registrations.

Juan Camilo Colorado

The commitment of the National Registry since December 2020 has been to place Colombia at the forefront of the identification of its citizens. To achieve this goal, The entity ordered the creation of the digital ID, a document with the same objective as the traditional yellow one, but with relevant improvements in the protection of people’s data. to avoid adulteration and identity theft, and streamline the day-to-day processes and procedures of Colombians.

This update to the official identification document arose under the premise of becoming the tool that facilitates access to the digital services offered by the State. With the digital ID, each person is expected to have a “citizen folder” with information such as civil registration, driving license, medical history, resume, Coronavirus vaccination certificate and even the donation certificate. organs.

On the other hand, the yellow document with holograms will remain valid, at least, until another regulation is issued indicating its invalidity. Regarding the issuance of the new document, the entity decreed that two new documents will be issued, one made of polycarbonate with a new image with respect to the yellow document and another physical one (with the same image), which It must be activated by the citizen through the “Cédula Digital Colombia” app and can be carried on the mobile devices that people prefer, regardless of whether the operating system is iOS or Android.

Regarding the validity of this document, it is necessary to clarify that it is valid for 10 years following being issued; This period is justified by the need to update the biometric data it contains to avoid possible impersonations. In addition, The advantages offered by having the document focus on being able to travel to eight South American countries such as Argentina, Peru, Ecuador and Chile without the need to have a passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, vote and carry out financial and commercial transactions using the same document.

Jimmy Jiménez, member of the Colombian Institute of Procedural Law, predicts that with the implementation of this document, Colombia achieves interoperability between State entities along with the agility to process requests, verify background information and promote the use of digital signatures; All of the above is framed in Law 2213 of 2022, which encourages the implementation of information and communication technologies to improve judicial processes, in addition to making attention to users of judicial services more flexible.

“In the next three years the goal is to reach nearly forty million digital documents. “After a year of pilot tests, progressive massification takes off,” Vega stated.

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Now, on social networks some Colombians have expressed their disagreement with the new document. Although it is true that public and private entities must accept the “new ID”, some entities such as banks do not accept it to request bank loans; various notarial procedures such as deeds, marriages and divorces either; and in the immigration area of ​​the country’s airports they still choose to request the traditional physical document.

Even some exchange houses follow the same line, citing security issues. Likewise, citizens have also complained regarding the difficulty in accessing the document due to some obstacles in email verification.

Another risk that has called into question the continuation of the digital ID service is a decision of the Constitutional Court that states that The changes that are intended to be made with respect to the official document of Colombians must be approved by means of a law in the Congress of the Republic.

“Only the legislator can regulate aspects such as the forms or mechanisms of identification, its content, the data that must be incorporated, among others.since these are aspects related to the identity of people and the handling of sensitive data covered by the right of habeas data,” says the ruling, which was presented by Judge Antonio José Lizarazo.

By way of closure, with a cut-off at the end of 2022, the National Registry had already issued 1,101,133 ballots.


Before the issuance of resolution 5112 of 2022, the cost of obtaining the digital ID was $55,800. However, since March of this year, the value rose to $63,050. These prices correspond to the procedure to obtain the duplicate for people who wish to make the transition to digital; The procedure will have no cost for people who have just turned 18 years old. who will issue this official identification document for the first time.

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