Challenges of Accessible Transport for People with Disabilities – A Story of Exorbitant Costs and Limited Options

2023-11-21 09:21:00

“I’m still not going to pay nearly 600 euros for the Spa-Verviers round trip”, deplores Maria, who confided in our colleagues at Sudinfo. Aspasia, his mother, became disabled following multiple sclerosis. Due to this autoimmune disease, her legs are paralyzed and she uses a wheelchair.

Recently, a doctor came to Maria’s home and asked Maria to make an appointment for her mother to treat a tooth infection. “We had to act urgently”she explains.

Maria quickly managed to find a dental practice in Verviers who agreed to treat her within three days.

The ambulance is only supported to go to the hospital

But unfortunately, finding a suitable means of transport turns out to be much more complicated than expected. Maria is forced to spend hours on the phone trying to find a solution. According to Sudinfo, his mother’s mutual insurance company cannot be contacted. And according to other mutual insurance companies contacted, an ambulance ride would not be reimbursed. “It would cost him 285 euros one way. So 570 euros for a round trip. The ambulance is only supported to go to the hospital”assure Maria.

She then turned to other avenues. Such as the service usually used by the nursing home where Aspasia resides or a service provided by the TEC. But everything is complete. “It’s a crazy thing !”

In the end, Maria is forced to cancel the emergency appointment with the dentist. Aspasia will undoubtedly have to be hospitalized to avoid having to pay nearly 600 euros.

#transport #Spa #Verviers #emergency #dentist #Maria #stunned



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