Get the Latest Updates on Tierra Brava November 21, 2023 Here – Drama, Relationships, and Tension Unfold in the Latest Chapter

2023-11-21 03:35:08

Tierra Brava November 21, 2023

This Monday a new chapter of “Tierra Brava” had an entertaining and revealing activity that ended in conflicts and disagreements. This is because, in a new press conference, the participants asked themselves regarding everything.

Max and Guarén’s date

The activity from yesterday’s chapter, where the men of the house paraded and competed in heels, had Max as the winner, who won a romantic dinner with a woman from the house. Against all odds, he chose Guarén, and not Shirley.

“I know that with you I will have a better time than with anyone else. Why am I going to invite Shirley, if she’s following Arturo (…) Shirley loves Arturo, and Arturo can’t, but he’s still there,” the cook explained to Guarén, justifying his decision, and both They enjoyed a dinner of fruits and marshmallows with a hot chocolate fondue.

Pamela and Shirley are now friends

The “Fiera” and the “Patrona” had a conversation where they strengthened their growing friendship. First, they talked regarding the current distant relationship between Pamela and Jhonatan.

“Jhonatan is very angry, he changed beds, everything,” Pamela said. “Have you told him that he bored you or not?” Shirley asked.

“I told him ‘Hey, you tire me out, you suck my energy a little bit.’ I told him 3 thousand times that it bothers me that he speaks badly regarding everyone. If I’m going to speak badly regarding someone I tell him and it’s no longer an issue, but he has this attitude that he begins to analyze everyone. And that bores me, he burdens me, that everything is negative,” Pamela explained.

They also reflected on the difficulty they have in finding a partner. “I have bad luck, I don’t have any of them. I scare them, they are afraid of me,” Shirley said.

“I am convinced that it is very difficult for independent, hard-working and determined women to find a man, because we are used to taking them. And for someone to be able to exceed my expectations as a mine, I have to admire them too much, let them go so much and let them love, which I don’t do,” Pamela said.

Tense press conference

In a new edition of the “Tierra Brava” press conference, several of the participants submitted to answer questions from their colleagues.

The first was Angélica, who was questioned by Guarén very ironically because of the contrast between her reputation for aggressiveness and the kind attitude with which she entered. “The person who looks for me finds me, but I’m not looking for a fight with anyone. There are things that bother me, like dirty, filthy people who don’t wash the dishes. If you are one of those, you are going to be nominated by me,” she responded to the young woman.

Later asked regarding her relationship with her colleagues, she said she was disappointed in Fabio. “I saw him as a respectful, elegant and well-behaved man, but last night I learned that he is not what he sees himself as. He caught my attention in a bad way,” she said regarding the Spaniard’s conflict with Chama and Luis, adding that for her the Spaniard “was annoying, I felt he was super aggressive (…) He is nothing to me, he doesn’t exist, and he doesn’t exist.” outside either.”

Shirley was questioned regarding her relationships with different men in the house. Asked regarding Max, she said: “We had good chemistry but I feel like it didn’t flow followingwards, there was no feeling.” About Arturo, meanwhile, she admitted that he “seems like a handsome boy to me and I like him. From 1 to 10 I give it a 10.”

Jhonatan answered regarding his current relationship with Pamela. “We have distanced ourselves a little but the feeling is not lost and will be seen more outside than inside. We have different perspectives and situations happened that need to be clarified, but everything in its time and I am in no rush,” said the model.

Then, questioned by Fabio, he said that “Mr. Agostini’s behavior does not go with my values, with my principles and the respect I have for other people. “I don’t share his humor or his way of being.”

In the most tense moment of the conference, Chama was questioned by Fabio regarding the fight the night before, where it was revealed that Fabio made her a proposal to pretend that they had an affair to upset Pamela and Luis. “Is it true that two days later you had a fight with Mateucci and you came to my bed to tell me that we should do it one day?” the Spaniard asked him. To the Venezuelan woman’s negative response, Fabio called her a liar. “You have failed me, I no longer support you in my life. “I don’t want to talk to you anymore,” she told him.

“I’m not going to tell you, Fabio, the things in which you may have made a mistake when proposing something like that to me, because I don’t want to make you feel bad. Besides, I would look very bad as a woman. You were doing it for your convenience, I wouldn’t mind getting into bed with you or anyone,” Chama responded.

The conference escalated quickly because Fabio insisted that she ended up proposing to him to pretend that they had something, and she denied it the entire time. Finally, Chama left the conference following shouting at the Spaniard. “He will never have my friendship once more,” Chama later acknowledged, and reconciled with Luis, recognizing that she was wrong in believing in Fabio.

“(Fabio) It’s horribly ordinary. He is going to be my nominee until he leaves, I don’t want him here, because what he told you disgusted me. He’s a fake, he buried himself, get rid of him because he was never your friend,” Angélica later advised Chama.

For her part, Pamela bet with Fabio that she will resume her friendship with Chama. The penance to pay, of winning “La Fiera”, is a romantic dinner between the two.

A joke that uncovers bitter memories

Another tense moment occurred when Botota was the object of a joke from Luis, who pulled out his chair when he was going to sit down and made him fall to the floor. Although at first he laughed it off, the drag queen soon became angry and abandoned the activity, to receive an apology from the Argentine.

According to Botota, his real anger was with Jhonatan because he laughed a lot at the joke. “I felt like when one time at school they took out the chair and everyone laughed at me, I felt ridiculed,” he confessed.

Arturo: “You don’t choose who you fall in love with”

Arturo and Shirley talk in the courtyard at night, and Longton reflected on feelings and temptations. “You don’t choose who you fall in love with. If one might choose, but that is impossible. You can have the notion and know everything and you still fall. Even if there is self-control, if there is chemistry, you are sick to death,” said Arturo. “Not everyone meets my demands. I can like someone a lot, but if that someone doesn’t stop me, bye, I’m not going to die either,” said the Peruvian.

After Longton commented that reality women are not to his taste, he flirtatiously told Shirley: “You’re not a woman, you’re a goddess.”

Angelica with everything once morest Fabio

In accordance with her current opinion of Fabio, Angélica had a hard conflict with him the next morning. She was just training in the yard, he walked by and greeted her, and she responded hostilely. “I don’t mind…, she tries to keep her distance, I am much more than you. “It doesn’t suit you with me, like you I have met 20 on reality shows, you are worthless, you are a poor resurrected louse,” the “Yungay Shrew” replied.

“That woman is wrong. She has known me for two days. Crazy, brother, crazy,” Fabio later commented. “I told you, that I was going to treat you as violent. She always does it. Get ready for Face to Face,” Arturo told him.

“I sent him to the con…, he is the typical h… used to bothering women, he shouldn’t mess with me,” Angélica said for her part.

Later asked by Pamela regarding whether her wires were crossed, Angélica responded: “They crossed your wires, I haven’t spoken to you.”

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